OpenGroups Bitcoin (Join, Local, Global, FreeServices, IM, Freelancing)Membership fee: 0.001 BTCHello,
Welcome to OpenGroups Bitcoin.
We have a list of groups and membership questions for locals, programmers, UX/UI designers and so on. Please note, you may want to actively contribute to organizing the groups. Maybe we can help you a little bit sometimes but no promises.
We try to provide a list, limited coordination, questions for new applicants, and a global agenda if requested. The rest is up to you. You will receive membership to one specific group and a general group as well. We have no affiliation to many of the currently existing meetup groups with similar names.
We offer no guarantees, no promises, no backing and nothing whatsoever, just to ensure that we are not overpromising.
Join by answering one or several of the questions below in this thread or following the link. Some groups are free, some charge a fee for joining
Membership questions:
What makes Larry David so funny? #Comedians
How many penguins are there in Detroit? #DetroitBitcoin
Can you list some good faucets here? #Faucets
Can we can build a ferris wheel on a farm so that farmers can enjoy their weekends and post a photo? #FerrisWheelAction
Can we cook some nachos with guacamole? #Food
What does freedom mean to you? #Freedom
What kind of free services would you like to request? #FreeServicesList
What kind of free services can you provide? #FreeServicesList
If you saw Godzilla coming out of an apparently smashed building, how would you react? #Godzilla
Godzilla is so big, how much food is he eating every day? #Godzilla
Is Godzilla vegetarian? #Godzilla
Does Godzilla actually eat high buildings or just smash them? #Godzilla
Which are the best ingredients for fruit salad? #FruitSalad
If we let a wild llama loose on Manhattan, how will people react? #LlamaGroup
What are the best things in life? #Life
If you could do anything in the world, anything at all, what would you do? #Life
What kind of linguistical observations can we make today? #LinguisticObservations
Do you have experience in 3D printing already? #Makers
When was the first time you heard the word Maker outside of a vamppire movie? #Makers
Is the Matrix a true story? #MatrixTrueOrNot
If we go to heaven, does the law of particle physics still apply? #Metaphysics
What is future and what is past? #Metaphysics
Is there something like Melrose Place in real life? #MetaMovies
How can we start a new project together? #ProjectLaunchers
Can we make an open source version of Ali Baba? #ProjectLaunchers
What per exact definiton is spooky action at a distance? #QuantumPhysics
If we could hypothetically reach hyperspeed, would that equal or exceed the speed of light? #QuantumPhysics
What is Singapore like when it rains? #SingaporeBitcoin
What kind of smart còwould you develop if you had the chance? #SmartContracts
What makes you a good programmer? #SoftwareDevelopers
What is hiding in the bushes? #SomethingHidingInTheBushes
What does it look like inside an aquarium if you are a fish? #TeamAquatic
If we put a pile of stones on top of a rock will they sometimes magically become some kind of totem symbol? #Totem
Do you know what you're doing? #You
What are you doing right now? #You
What is the best memory you have from this week? #You!forum/bitcoinmeetups-org
Current number of members (all groups): About 300
Current number of followers (all social media): About 1000
Current number of pageviews (all social media): About 600000
Available Group Platforms, please specify which one you want to join
#Ethereum #Counterparty #LosAngelesBitcoin #NewYorkBitcoin #TokyoBitcoin #BayAreaBitcoin #QuantumPhysicists #SoftwareDevelopers #CreativeWriters #Illustrators #UXUIDesigners #BerlinBitcoin #HannoverBitcoin #HelsinkiBitcoin #KualaLumpurBitcoin #TianjinBitcoin #NairobiBitcoin #SingaporeBitcoin #Dapp #SmartContract #FreeServicesList