your site sucks,and doesn't work
I have been mining for 2 weeks, linked to your and password,and account set up,
my guiminer says I have over 2000(0) accepted and your site says I don't have jack crap.
I took pictures of what it says I have and the fact that your site says I h ave nothing,and haven;t since I started.
so just where the holy hell are my (accepted) blocks going?
rip off
I followed every stupid instruction on your site for the last 2 days, trying to figure out why. I downloaded your batch file which doesn't work worth a flip,tried every stupid trick in your stupid book, and everyone else's,and your stie still says I am not mining jack crap.
That stupid google security crap doesn't work either,as I tried MORE than several times before I said "f**K it" and went on.,and NO I don;t have those stupid cookies it said I had blocked, blocked. period!!! end of sentence.
google sucks,and is as stupid as they look. Apparently so are your programmers.
I am tired of jacking with and I don't like getting ripped off, jackasses.
You also,have no way to be contacted, and NO I am not going to join twitter just so I can tell you how stupid you are and how your software doesn't work,.period!!!!!!!!!
ans how your site is ripping people like me off,for 10000's of blocks.
You don't want to be contacted,then I don 't want to mine litecoins with you,period!!! Isn't there something fishy about someone who wants to have people POOL their money with youm and then oyu have no way of being contacted?
spells "rip off", in plain english.
As for those stupid programs like guiminer didn't DOS go out about 5 decades ago with the advent of windows by Xerox? (stolen by gates and apple as the windows interface)
how stupid is it that we are trying to use DOS to do mathmatical operations on a graphics card?
and guiminer isn't much of an interface,but it is better than nothing.
Try making it use ALL of the programs instead of reaper and rpcminer.
Neither one works worth a crap and neither has an interface,and guiminer,apparently, can't use anything else.
and guiminer alpha,REALLY sucks,as it is obviously intended for higher graphics cards, and will NOT do the same things as guiminer 12-03-2012 (which sucks) and doesn't work,anyway.
rip someone else off.
I am going somewhere else.
I am sorry to you all for my language,but when you spend 8 hours a day or longer and for several days, setting up a system,it tells you you are mining and yuo go look at the site and it tells you yuo haven;tmined jack crap, YOU would be pissed too.
I have programmed until I am silly, ran batch file after batch file,pogram after program,and it all fails?
what would YOU think.
This system has low life graphics cards in it,but I have built a new 4x7950 machine and I am not cranking it up until this crap works on This machine.
I am not going to waste my time jacking with some pile of crap software and some pooling site that rips me off,and spending thousands of dollars on this crap, until I see it work,period.
Yeah right,go read the guiminer instructions.
1 download software
2 installsoftware
3 mine litecoins
Yeah right dumbass.
I'll bet anyone on here (a million btc) that a newbie, can't set up a computer with nothing but windows 7/64 bit,and bitcoin or litecoin software, and make bitcoin or litecoin or guiminer or reaper or cgmineror any other pile of crap software work on the first try. PERIOD!!! end of sentence. It ain't gonna happen, ever, until the software gets better,or a REAL progframmer writes it and makes it user infallible and makes it work with ALLof the crap tha tis out thwere,or makes it actually work like it is supposed to.
I can write a dos program in my sleep.
But why would I? It would be stupid to do that these days.
as for YOU SUCK!!! PERIOD!!!!!
and thanks to this forum for not allowing me to ask any questions, or get any answers until soimetime next year, when I have been here long enough, stood on my head for 5 days, turned around and jumped like a frog to the sounds of the busweiser theme, held one foot with my left hand while I danced on some stupid tv show, then had to sing some real bad tune, held my hands up in the air and shouted I need help in russian, etc.....or done some other stupid thing the admins want you to do before you are smart enough to type in a question.
If I had been able to ask questions,I may have been able to be up and running 2 weeks ago,instead of next year,when someone actually allows me to post a remark or question,in the REAL forum.
But hey,we are not here to get REAL answers anyway,are we? No one has any................