There are several piles of nukes all over the world
There are several piles of idiots all over the world
The shorter the distance between the two groups of piles the more risk of a nuclear conflict.
Arguing that the piles of idiots are larger in Iran then in democratic nations (which Israel, despite all the problems they have is) is fairly easy.
The negotiations that are going on are to keep Iran from having nuclear weapons, as I believe they should be. It's better than just attacking them without trying to talk to them like others want to do. : /
And if there are piles of idiots all over the world then isn't it better to have much fewer piles of nukes? I think GreekBitcoin is right. We should use this to start talking about it.
Yes either of the groups of piles should be smaller. Smaller piles of idiots, smaller piles of nukes and lesser piles of both are a good thing. That Iran isn't even close to building nukes doesn't stop the piles of idiots in nato from trying to convince non-idiots that they are.