I think VB dumped some large amount of his own ETH holding some time ago, but surely he has some left.
The devs' share was specified before the launch, but can't recall what it was (something like 10% to be split among all devs?).
You can always ask them on reddit.
Initial ETH about 60,000,000 priced at about $0.30
So early investors had to come up with $18 million in BTC = real money.
It was not some magic premine like 90% of shitcoins.
80% of the original ETH went to Development (salaries $45k to $175K/year totaling $1 million/year)...
20% was a free gift to about 50-70 "founders" on a sliding scale...
Because each founder was a high-profile Bitcoin "celebrity" that would now promote ETH.
Well known "founders" got about 300,000 ETH at $0.30 which is worth $4 million today.
I saw the Toronto Bitcoin Meetup became Toronto Ethereum Meetup overnight by buying off Anthony Diorio...
300,000 ETH will make most people do pretty much anything.
Vitalik got about 540,000 ETH plus a salary > $100K/year in ETH and has been paid about 1,000,000 ETH directly...
But probably has made many, many millions of ETH via side deals.
So if the slock.it dudes like Tual got millions of dollars of ETH for free...
Why are they building a massive trough where Insider Bovine can chomp on free ETH?
Up until DAO it's all quite brilliantly played out. Personally, I think the DAO verges on fraud.
That's crazy. But amazing lol. But well good for the ETH guys in a way who are working at it. But who are teh whales behind the scenes pushing ETH with their bots like this??? If it wasn't for that it'd still be worth $1usd...??