Today I decided to search "Can I trust Bitcoin" on presearch and I came across a keyword 'Bitcoin Trust'. Please I'll like to know if it is the same as Bitcoin or if it is different.
What I learnt was that it is BTC bought OTC and that it's not the same as BTC bought on exchanges.
I will try my best to succinctly answer your question.
The only similarity that I can see is that they both contain the word "Bitcoin," but that doesn't make them similar in principle. Bitcoin is a digital currency of a decentralized network of interconnected but independent nodes. There is no central server there that you need to trust that it won't deceive you. If you have your personal "copy of truth," that is, the copy of the blockchain, you don't need to ask others what is true or what is not. Instead, you can decide it for yourself by verifying everything beforehand. In other words, the network contains self-reliant, self-sovereign, selfish, and distrustful nodes that verify several times what they are being told. There is no place for trust in such a network.
Oftentimes people want to add the element of trust in a trustless network so that they can make a profit, surveil, control, ensure compliance with government regulations, etc. In short, they want you to hand over your bitcoin, they want you to be dependent, they want you to rely on them, they want you to trust them. That is why they keep coming up with different ideas such as bitcoin financial products, bitcoin derivatives and substitutes, bitcoin trusts and mutual funds, bitcoin vaults. Therefore, the main difference between bitcoin and bitcoin trust is that the former makes you independent and free while the latter makes you dependent and enslaved.