The point is, even though the Russian Bolshevik Revolution was set in place by the US banking system, Russia is one of few countries in the world that is successfully resisting what the US is doing.
Why would anyone want the US that wouldn't even let them get on the plane (Afghanistan) safely. I mean, this part of the US that is involved inn world affairs is screwing people over. Dentists even die over it.
Russia is far from perfect. But at least it has seen through the US banking Ponzi enough that it is resisting the US.
The world is bleeding and there is nothing which can help healing the world - the war lord are trading deaths all over the world at the cost of peace.
You have hit the nail on the head. What I mean is, did you ever notice how nature wants to live? People fight to live. Animals and plants fight to live. Even the few trees that are thousands of years old, have only sustained themselves by being renewed with new parts while the old ones die.
People believe and feel that there is benefit to life. Yet, history shows us that we all died. Or, have you found somebody who is, say, 300 years old... or older, and still alive? I'm not saying that there isn't someone like that. But if there is, it isn't common knowledge.
The point is, God made living things to want to live. And because people are important to Him, He gave them a way to live. The way is by believing in Jesus-salvation. God's Son, Jesus, was strong enough to take the death consequences for all of us, and then to arise from the dead 3 days following His own death.
Now, Jesus, Who is alive, offers life to everybody simply by believing in Him that He is offering this life to everybody. Faith in Him now = eternal life at the Resurrection. No faith in Him now = eternal damnation following the Resurrection.
It's a long story. And I don't like the idea of dying any more than most people. So, get a copy of the Bible in your native language, and start reading (or find someone who will read to you) at the beginning of the New Testament, the Book of Matthew. If you find it hard to believe, consult scholars who can show you that the nation of Ancient Israel was faithful in writing Bible history.
You are right plant do fight for their survival - they fight to make their place. They don't damage the whole forest for their survival, animal fight for their own self - they do not throw bomb on other animals or impose sanctions on the other animals. Have you read George orwell animal farm? and I quote - some animals are equal and some are more equal.