This is my worry. Spending any amount of time, checking, maintaining, recovering, backing up or interacting in any ways with these coins seems to be a waste of time. I don't want to be caught up researching how my failed project investments have done and continually looking back at them thinking "maybe today." Plus, if I'm constantly checking then the second it pumps up it is going to feel like I've been waiting an eternity and sell them at the first sign of a value increase. This would lead me to miss out on even larger, long-term gains.
I'm mostly just looking for input on what everyone else is doing in these scenarios, because as of right now I am just holding onto the coins and checking their prices every couple days. Wasting a few minutes here and there, that adds up to hours.
It doesn't necessarily take much to hang onto these coins, but I'm wondering how I can avoid doing exactly this and hold onto them just in case in the future. It is quite the balancing act, that I have yet to perfect.
Just neglect it if it isnt really important and only chose up those coins which are worth to be checked.