Look, we can't do things on our own without the guidance from our true CREATOR. It can't work out without GOD on your side... And for GOD to be on your side you have to obey HIS Words, Rules and Commandments.
Not a good idea trust people who don't depend one true GOD. Sin is the problem here. No matter how small you may think the sin is in a person, it will always multiple like virus if that person doesn't sincerely depend on GOD to take it away and help.
Put a tiny bit of dirt with bad microbes in a pot of soup, the soup get corrupted quickly. Sin is the dirt/microbes while the soup is the body. Only our CREATOR can remove the sin/dirt/microbes to preserve the body or soup from becoming bad. Once people start understanding this fact, they will know WHOM to run to... and there will be peace in a society full of people who depend on GOD to help guide them and take away their sins
Do you think G-d cares for us?
Did he let us eat the apple of knowledge to see how loyal we are
Freedom of will is our code the sin is a part of it since we can't erase our history anymore
I believe that the human specie will be the one who drives the wheel of fate from now on.
I still believe in a Programmer of humans since we are made of his own image or code
I think we are also like him who can master the secret nature of our universe.
The problem with human society is the lack of faith with his own kind,
becoming more greedy trying to marathon his own kind thieving and hoarding the treasure of this world which he can't even take on the other side of the world.
That is what we are trying to change from now on.
Restoring the original and real humanity's value reshaping the shape of the triangle into a hexagon. I call this an upgrade to an old obsolete order of this world.