So, it means that companies like Coinbase Global Inc., Gemini Trust and BlockFi Inc., have a higher debt-to-equity ratios and less cash flows and that is why they have doing some cuts because they are greatly affected by the market downturn. Would this be a correct assumption?
a good example of good leveraging today.
the market price is low. you might have say 120k coins, but you are cash poor... but do not want to sell the coins,
you refuse to sell the coins. but instead choose to lock them up in escrow(multisig) with a loan company where they give you fiat as a loan.
using this fiat to just pay salary is a loss-leader. once its gone its gone. so dont waste the money that way. dont use fiat to spend on fiat things that dont make you returns..
instead use that loan money to buy more cheap coins. to hoard. then when the price goes up. you can sell the loan purchased coins to pay back the loan and keep the difference/profit. and also unlock your collateral to then add the profit to the coins you locked that are now unlocked. win win
a bad example of leverage is where those that are mainly fiat based with fiat costs, decided ages ago to hoard(lock up) fiat in bitcoin to leverage the fiat market.. when the price was higher, thinking it would go higher. but now the price has come down to $20k. they cant/wont sell the coins at a loss to pay their large fiat costs. and so they are stuck. its bad to sell coins. its bad to collateralize the coins to get a fiat loan to then use on fiat spending of non ROI spending(excessive labour). so the only option left is to downsize the fiat costs. until the bitcoin price rises for you to then have profitable coin to sell to then be able to pay staff bonuses, pay rises, more employees, etc