As you can see, I have what appears to be BTC being ADDED to my wallet.
When I click on the transaction and look at the transaction details, it shows TONS of addresses on the left and than (I think) the scammers wallet on the right.
So, looking at this, how can I tell exactly what happened? My gut tells me my wallet was used a mixer or to launder the stolen BTC THROUGH (many other people were victims of this).
So, are you saying that "1DVhaBdbp5mx5Y8zR1qR9NBiQtrgL9ZNQs" address is actually contained in your wallet? if you look through all your addresses, do you see this address?
If so, it would indeed appear that the thief has attempted to move the stolen funds through your wallet (1 minute gap between all the funds going in and going out) to try and cover their tracks maybe?
If you can't see your addresses in Jaxx easily, given that your wallet is already compromised, just use https://iancoleman.io/bip39/
Put your seed in, I think Jaxx uses a derivation path of m/44'/0'/0', so if you just click the BIP44 tab, you should see all your addresses/keys. Have a hunt through those looking for the "1DVhaB..." address.