I saw recently that the long wish of The Pharmacist -- to have a new name -- was finally approved. He became The Sceptical Chymist.
Then, by pure chance, while browsing bpip.org I saw the following: at first glance, a wall of users,
including me, which
no longer trusted fbeyvgnobo (obviously, this implied that they previously trusted that user):
However, I was 100% sure that I never trusted fbeyvgnobo before, thus it was impossible to distrust this user now. So I kept scrolling down on bpip, searching mainly for my name. Among other entries, I found the following:
However, I knew that I made to change to my Trust list. I also noticed the very short time interval between those changes. Anyway, I remembered, by seeing the name The Sceptical Chymist, that The Pharmacist requested a long time ago a name change with this one. So I understood why bpip was showing that I trust The Sceptical Chymist. However, the rest of information (why I previously distrused The Sceptical Chymist plus the trust / distrust of fbeyvgnobo) were still unknown to me. For a while I believed that bpip was showing incorrect information.
But soon after I found this topic:
The long waited Nickname has been given (The Sceptical Chymist), which confirmed to me that Pharmacist's wish was approved. But one post confused me even more (highlight is mine):
So I thought that, for some reason, theymos trolled The Pharmacist, by allowing him a name change, but that was to fbeyvgnobo -- which was definitely
not the one he wanted -- then finally allowed him the wanted name. At least, that was logic for me and it could also explain why bpip was showing me trusting fbeyvgnobo then distrusting him (as I previously had The Pharmacist on my Trust list, the trust was spread to fbeyvgnobo, then to The Sceptical Chymist, which also implied to distrust fbeyvgnobo).
But this logic could not explain to me why
user fbeyvgnobo still exists! And, furthermore, he also has 1 post! I said okay, if theymos changed Pharmacist's name to fbeyvgnobo then to The Sceptical Chemyst, then fbeyvgnobo should not exist anymore. As The Pharmacist also does not exist anymore after this change. Yet, fbeyvgnobo still exists.
So I also considered that my judgement and logic are wrong. I tried to search for more references to fbeyvgnobo in the two links mentioned in the quote from PX-Z but I found nothing.
After days of trying to solve this puzzle, I give up
So, as a sum-up:
- The Pharmacist became The Sceptical Chemyst, while previously being named, for a short while, as fbeyvgnobo
- The Pharmacist does not exist anymore
- fbeyvgnobo still exists.
Does anyone know how this is possible? (Or, in case I understood everything wrong, can someone explain the entire situation to me?)