
Topic: What happens if miners stop mining? Say a big crash in the price? (Read 1022 times)

full member
Activity: 224
Merit: 100
The hashrate and difficulty have nothing to do with the price.

That's not true, mining for Bitcoins is like another exchange where arbitraging is quite difficult and risky.
E.g. if difficulty is very low, quite a few people will buy mining equipment instead of buying Bitcoins.

It does have an effect on the price, the effect is difficult to estimate though.

I would buy ASIC if the difficulty is low or not increasing very fast. Thus price would drop cause I could have bought BTC instead Smiley
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
The hashrate and difficulty have nothing to do with the price.

That's not true, mining for Bitcoins is like another exchange where arbitraging is quite difficult and risky.
E.g. if difficulty is very low, quite a few people will buy mining equipment instead of buying Bitcoins.

It does have an effect on the price, the effect is difficult to estimate though.
full member
Activity: 130
Merit: 100
Difficulty goes down, network finds a new equilibrium. More importantly, miners will not stop mining, because electricity costs are only a small part of their incomes now.
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
Difficulty goes back down.
Activity: 70
Merit: 10
Does the difficulty go back down?  Or is it that every time it goes up that's the new floor as far as difficulty?
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