To clarify, yes, you should be able to withdraw your funds. Here are some responses from their official support:
● If you experience issues with withdrawing remaining funds, follow the above steps to get to our live chat queue - our agents will try our best to assist you with the offboarding.
You may have to login for us to identify your specific issue. Please [click here]( to login to your account and click **Cannot Withdraw Crypto** again for us to troubleshoot your withdrawal issue.
Binance strives to operate in compliance with global legal requirements. For US account user, you can withdraw your funds within 7 days. Please click the above link for your further action and ONLY proceed to contact Customer Service team if you are unable to complete the above steps.
Note: the self-help bot may suggest you to verify straight away but I think you should contact an agent (real person) first in the live chat just so you're extra sure you aren't taking any unnecessary steps.