Thank you very much for the detailed reply Franky. It puzzles me though, why do major news outlets like cointelegraph say that it also affects software developers for example?
They say that it requires them to do things that are impossible to do.
If it's not that bad, then why all the commotion and trying to make amendments?
If you are right and the mass has misunderstood it, then won't there still be fear in the market? How do you see this affecting the market in the short term after the bill gets passed on 27th of september?
its a political distraction campaign
if they can get people looking in the left empty hand but convince people there is a gun in that hand and people need to disarm the gun.. they are too oblivious to see the hammer in the right hand swinging to break some numbskulls
the wording of the bill in relation to crypto is about businesses offering services of custodianship. where they take responsibility of funds to then pass onto others.
no where in it does it describe software developers. nor nodes nor pools, nor miners
trying to get amendments of meaningless significance/no change. then allows for the real harms/changes to not be affected
its like saying pretend software developers take responsibility of someones value and give it to someone else. but dont discuss retailers or businesses that actually do take funds and move it about for someone else
heck most of the campaign sheep spammers in the other thread of same topic are LN router fans but they are not even talking about how they could be PERSONALLY affected as routers if LN went up in channel value of $10k plus payments. they just want to repeat the campaign word for word. like they are on autopilot, thinking they can win some dev idol merit points for defending a dev that doesnt need defending.. (very weird strategy)
so while the campaign begs people to say "exclude developers" (meaningless) its not saying exclude retailers or small businesses. or businesses outside the US.
the bill is about MSB businesses. but for some stranger reason. campaigners and sheep spammrs have social drama'ed it into being about something unrelated to custodian services and fund transferers.
and news outlets just publicise it not due to facts or good reporting or investigating. but because its a social trend that went viral