Such ideas and a scheme I reckon is possible and do'able. It is done now, constantly, around the globe, by corporations. What is needed to remove the monopoly that governments have and move the existing 'market competition' style into each nations states/councils/counties, allowing each that takes part to compete and grow.
Ye, anyway, I think it would work under conditions,
1. You must have at least 2 'areas' willing to take part in this new 'wages/taxes heaven scheme' (so they can compete).
2. Allow each area to set its own taxes/wages/laws/education/health system/sciences/etc
3. Must abide by basic human rights.
How is this different from current situation apart from scale? And how you enforce human rights, and what are they considered to be?
For example, if I ran (voted in charge or something), then I would lower taxes on everything (as I wouldn't be sending loads to the government for support corrupting politicians, as I would have 0 politicians in government). And then I would raise wages all across the board, and I would introduce a law (putting as part of my campaign whilst getting voted in) that would raise minimum wage by add a chunk to be a better representative of a % of the PROFIT of the company. So that the average person gets better wages, but it's still in the individuals best interest to do a good job.
It would be in MY best interest to please the people that are paying taxes to my state, as that would also reflect on my job, and my own wages, and everyone's wages, and the state as a whole for growth, socially and scientifically. It would be in my interest to keep these people and do better than the state next door in case they change allegiance to him/her and start sending their taxes there.
What we have at the moment is a 'government monopoly', where you are born into a 'social contract' with your nation of birth. Stating you will abide by those laws or be punished by them.
Decentralization is the end of monopolies. Monopolies are NEVER good, they always become stale and are very prone to corruption as a method of keeping their power. Every government in the world IS a monopoly (google monopoly, or illegal monopoly if you want more information).
As to your other questions,
Expulsion from states to enforce human rights, imprisonment of civil leaders (by the 'government administration' that I believe would be left). Basic human rights should be as they are now (again, google is your friend), with additions of allowing anyone living in such a decentralized state to change their 'allegiance' to another state at whim (though processes would probably take a few weeks), whilst staying at their current address. They would not be forced to move, and any attempt to force someone of a different allegiance to move would be against their basic human rights.
It's just an idea, a dream maybe