Wish you all the best!
But you won't go far without recognition. That's the problem with nations. If you come from a famous one, where the people are beautiful and wealthy, you're someone, but if you come from Yemen or Somalia, you're nobody.
I wish I could travel all over the world without an ID, nor telling anyone where I'm from.
So do the drug smugglers..
so do the human traffickers..
so do the murderers..
so do the gun runners..
so do the terror groups..
So do the tobacco runners..
So do the gold and silver runners..
so do the robbed car van truck and motor bike runners..
so do the money runners..
so do nuke smugglers..
so do the house robbers loot runners..
Yes would be nice if we all had money were no need to worry about getting things..
But planet don't work like that..
Humans will do anything for money and i mean anything steal cheat lie kill all for cash..
Also how do we pay to travel all over the world?..
I'm not talking about money, I'm talking about the freedom of travel for normal people. Don't you know that to visit many countries, you'll need a visa and that to get one, you'll need to show a return ticket, sometimes an hotel booking so the foreign authorities will know where you are, and also pay a very substantial sum?
I know I won't travel to China again, because the last time I applied to get a visa, those f*ckers at the embassy told me that the consular fee was now 175€. Yes, 175€ to get a stupid stamp on my passport! And I couldn't get it right away at that price, there was a 24 hours delay. You see the same shit all over Africa. You show a passport to a guard at the border, he says he needs to see his chief about it, and you spend 3 hours under the sun, only to get the stamp which will allow you to cross the border.