I am not invested at all with Pirate, but I actually expect he will be paying his lenders in full; however even with the 100% expectation of Pirate paying in full I can see why these bonds would trade at a discount.
There are opinions people have and then there are opinions people have that they will wager their money on.
Which opinions do you think more accurately represent the people's opinion on what they think will
actually happen in contrast to what people
want to happen?
It appears that your opinion that Pirate will pay in full on time as agreed, or even partially, is not strong enough that you will actually risk your bitcoins to profit from the opinion.
The market thinks with a 60% probability that Pirate will fail to pay either principal or interest. It is pretty simple: If you think Pirate will pay up then buy the bonds and make a profit.
That is what markets are for. Those whose opinions are correct profit and accumulate capital while those whose opinions are miscalculations lose capital.