Well, the answer to that is not that simple, because electricity is generated in different ways, all around the world and then
used for mining. {Coal, Nuclear, water, wind, Solar and geothermal power.}
Here is a video posted on CNBC about the subject :
https://www.cnbc.com/video/2018/01/12/heres-how-much-it-costs-to-mine-one-single-bitcoin-in-115-different-countries-across-the-world.html *{The accuracy of this is basically FUD}
We have made excuses that Fiat currencies consume more electricity than Bitcoin mining, because more electricity are spent
to create it and to manage it than the combined electricity used to mine bitcoins, but the reality is that we are still using
massive amounts of electricity to mine it and to use it. {all debate aside, it is the true reality}
What are we doing to reduce our {Bitcoin's} carbon footprint?
~ Are we using the cheapest electricity to mine it? {Moving Bitcoin farms to these areas?} I would say POSSIBLY
~ Are we using the most environmental friendly electricity to mine it? Answer : NO
~ Are we using the latest technology to mine it? Answer : YES - ASIC chips are developed to use less electricity.
~ Are we using spent electricity in the best way possible? YES - Heat generated from mining is used to warm our houses, so
less electricity are spend to heat our buildings.
What can we do more to reduce our Carbon footprint?
Edited : Took out irrelevant parts, not applicable to this topic.