Cryptonex (CNX) is a decentralized global cryptocurrency created on its own blockchain. This is the first blockchain in the world to acquire.
The main objective is to offer the opportunity to exchange world currencies for cryptocurrency and token, to purchase goods and services using payment cards and mobile apps with instant contactless payments and with minimum commissions.
Does anyone have information on the exchange of tokens? CNX tokens arrived at the purse, they said that there would be an exchange for coins Cryptonex. When it will, tokens lie on the purse for many months, I would like to exchange.
Captain here. You might go and support douchebags at Etherdelta who listed this free airdropped token, and sell it for a few bucks there, or, alternatively, wait for the new bounty campaign and exchange this tokens for coins, which undoubtedly will be much better. The thing is, no one knows for certain when the bounty campaign'll start, even devs, they are saying that when the criteria meet, guess they didn't meet so far, but I won't go for a new bounty during market decline either. If you still want to learn, more, read their ann thread, I reckon there was some talk about it.