income is through a process known as staking. It is clear that I am new to the cryptocurrency world
and this is the first time I ever heard of the term staking.
My questions is, what is Staking?
How can you earn money from it using altcoins?
There are a lot of coins out there that will stake. This process creates new coins and adds them directly to your wallet. Those coins will also stake. It's a great way to earn passive income but you have to leave your wallet open to stake. There are no hardware requirements other than being able to run a wallet. There is a bit of randomness to it though so don't expect the stakes to come through with any regularity with any coin.
Some coins with decent interest rates:
Castle (CSTL) @ 100%
Platinum Bar (XPTX) @ 230%
Condensate (RAIN) @ 200%
Monkey Project (MONK) @ variable
There are some projects that are extremely high. I would avoid those at all costs. The coin values drop rather fast.
Good luck!