
Topic: What is the Best Trading Strategy You Use for Cryptocurrency? (Read 7640 times)

full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
What do you think is the best strategy in identifying the trade in cryptocurrency world. RSI is not that very effective. I also use MACD for normal trading studies. The morning and evening star is a good indicator too.
I joined a group on a telegram where a lot of traders talked about whether they would buy or sell some altcoin. From here I have the information necessary for my decision.
full member
Activity: 658
Merit: 100
The best trading stratergy I have use over the years have remain the same and it has never fail me. I buy when the price is low and sell when the price is hign. The skill need to buy is what you need to concentrate on and known when to sell. This are very important skill you will have to learn.
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
I have some strategy on BotVS . In fact  , I think the hedge strategy is the low risk strategy. Although the profit is few .
Ok ! Talk is cheap, Show code to you ! Wink

var initState;
var isBalance = true;
var feeCache = new Array();
var feeTimeout = optFeeTimeout * 60000;
var lastProfit = 0;
var lastAvgPrice = 0;
var lastSpread = 0;
var lastOpAmount = 0;
function adjustFloat(v) {
    return Math.floor(v*1000)/1000;

function isPriceNormal(v) {
    return (v >= StopPriceL) && (v <= StopPriceH);

function stripTicker(t) {
    return 'Buy: ' + adjustFloat(t.Buy) + ' Sell: ' + adjustFloat(t.Sell);

function updateStatePrice(state) {
    var now = (new Date()).getTime();
    for (var i = 0; i < state.details.length; i++) {
        var ticker = null;
        var key = state.details[i].exchange.GetName() + state.details[i].exchange.GetCurrency();
        var fee = null;
        while (!(ticker = state.details[i].exchange.GetTicker())) {

        if (key in feeCache) {
            var v = feeCache[key];
            if ((now - v.time) > feeTimeout) {
                delete feeCache[key];
            } else {
                fee = v.fee;
        if (!fee) {
            while (!(fee = state.details[i].exchange.GetFee())) {
            feeCache[key] = {fee: fee, time: now};
        // Buy-=fee Sell+=fee
        state.details[i].ticker = {Buy: ticker.Buy * (1-(fee.Sell/100)), Sell: ticker.Sell * (1+(fee.Buy/100))};
        state.details[i].realTicker = ticker;
        state.details[i].fee = fee;

function getProfit(stateInit, stateNow, coinPrice) {
    var netNow = stateNow.allBalance + (stateNow.allStocks * coinPrice);
    var netInit =  stateInit.allBalance + (stateInit.allStocks * coinPrice);
    return adjustFloat(netNow - netInit);

function getExchangesState() {
    var allStocks = 0;
    var allBalance = 0;
    var minStock = 0;
    var details = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < exchanges.length; i++) {
        var account = null;
        while (!(account = exchanges[i].GetAccount())) {
        allStocks += account.Stocks + account.FrozenStocks;
        allBalance += account.Balance + account.FrozenBalance;
        minStock = Math.max(minStock, exchanges[i].GetMinStock());
        details.push({exchange: exchanges[i], account: account});
    return {allStocks: adjustFloat(allStocks), allBalance: adjustFloat(allBalance), minStock: minStock, details: details};

function cancelAllOrders() {
    for (var i = 0; i < exchanges.length; i++) {
        while (true) {
            var orders = null;
            while (!(orders = exchanges[i].GetOrders())) {

            if (orders.length == 0) {

            for (var j = 0; j < orders.length; j++) {
                exchanges[i].CancelOrder(orders[j].Id, orders[j]);

function balanceAccounts() {
    // already balance
    if (isBalance) {


    var state = getExchangesState();
    var diff = state.allStocks - initState.allStocks;
    var adjustDiff = adjustFloat(Math.abs(diff));
    if (adjustDiff < state.minStock) {
        isBalance = true;
    } else {
        Log('初始币总数量:', initState.allStocks, '现在币总数量: ', state.allStocks, '差额:', adjustDiff);
        // other ways, diff is 0.012, bug A only has 0.006 B only has 0.006, all less then minstock
        // we try to statistical orders count to recognition this situation
        var details = state.details;
        var ordersCount = 0;
        if (diff > 0) {
            var attr = 'Sell';
            if (UseMarketOrder) {
                attr = 'Buy';
            // Sell adjustDiff, sort by price high to low
            details.sort(function(a, b) {return b.ticker[attr] - a.ticker[attr];});
            for (var i = 0; i < details.length && adjustDiff >= state.minStock; i++) {
                if (isPriceNormal(details[i].ticker[attr]) && (details[i].account.Stocks >= state.minStock)) {
                    var orderAmount = adjustFloat(Math.min(AmountOnce, adjustDiff, details[i].account.Stocks));
                    var orderPrice = details[i].realTicker[attr] - SlidePrice;
                    if ((orderPrice * orderAmount) < details[i].exchange.GetMinPrice()) {
                    if (details[i].exchange.Sell(orderPrice, orderAmount, stripTicker(details[i].ticker))) {
                        adjustDiff = adjustFloat(adjustDiff - orderAmount);
                    // only operate one platform
        } else {
            var attr = 'Buy';
            if (UseMarketOrder) {
                attr = 'Sell';
            // Buy adjustDiff, sort by sell-price low to high
            details.sort(function(a, b) {return a.ticker[attr] - b.ticker[attr];});
            for (var i = 0; i < details.length && adjustDiff >= state.minStock; i++) {
                if (isPriceNormal(details[i].ticker[attr])) {
                    var canRealBuy = adjustFloat(details[i].account.Balance / (details[i].ticker[attr] + SlidePrice));
                    var needRealBuy = Math.min(AmountOnce, adjustDiff, canRealBuy);
                    var orderAmount = adjustFloat(needRealBuy * (1+(details[i].fee.Buy/100)));
                    var orderPrice = details[i].realTicker[attr] + SlidePrice;
                    if ((orderAmount < details[i].exchange.GetMinStock()) ||
                        ((orderPrice * orderAmount) < details[i].exchange.GetMinPrice())) {
                    if (details[i].exchange.Buy(orderPrice, orderAmount, stripTicker(details[i].ticker))) {
                        adjustDiff = adjustFloat(adjustDiff - needRealBuy);
                    // only operate one platform
        isBalance = (ordersCount == 0);

    if (isBalance) {
        var currentProfit = getProfit(initState, state, lastAvgPrice);
        LogProfit(currentProfit, "Spread: ", adjustFloat((currentProfit - lastProfit) / lastOpAmount), "Balance: ", adjustFloat(state.allBalance), "Stocks: ", adjustFloat(state.allStocks));

        if (StopWhenLoss && currentProfit < 0 && Math.abs(currentProfit) > MaxLoss) {
            Log('交易亏损超过最大限度, 程序取消所有订单后退出.');
            if (SMSAPI.length > 10 && SMSAPI.indexOf('http') == 0) {
            throw '已停止';
        lastProfit = currentProfit;

function onTick() {
    if (!isBalance) {

    var state = getExchangesState();
    // We also need details of price

    var details = state.details;
    var maxPair = null;
    var minPair = null;
    for (var i = 0; i < details.length; i++) {
        var sellOrderPrice = details[i].account.Stocks * (details[i].realTicker.Buy - SlidePrice);
        if (((!maxPair) || (details[i].ticker.Buy > maxPair.ticker.Buy)) && (details[i].account.Stocks >= state.minStock) &&
            (sellOrderPrice > details[i].exchange.GetMinPrice())) {
            details[i].canSell = details[i].account.Stocks;
            maxPair = details[i];

        var canBuy = adjustFloat(details[i].account.Balance / (details[i].realTicker.Sell + SlidePrice));
        var buyOrderPrice = canBuy * (details[i].realTicker.Sell + SlidePrice);
        if (((!minPair) || (details[i].ticker.Sell < minPair.ticker.Sell)) && (canBuy >= state.minStock) &&
            (buyOrderPrice > details[i].exchange.GetMinPrice())) {
            details[i].canBuy = canBuy;
            // how much coins we real got with fee
            details[i].realBuy = adjustFloat(details[i].account.Balance / (details[i].ticker.Sell + SlidePrice));
            minPair = details[i];

    if ((!maxPair) || (!minPair) || ((maxPair.ticker.Buy - minPair.ticker.Sell) < MaxDiff) ||
    !isPriceNormal(maxPair.ticker.Buy) || !isPriceNormal(minPair.ticker.Sell)) {

    // filter invalid price
    if (minPair.realTicker.Sell <= minPair.realTicker.Buy || maxPair.realTicker.Sell <= maxPair.realTicker.Buy) {

    // what a fuck...
    if ( == {

    lastAvgPrice = adjustFloat((minPair.realTicker.Buy + maxPair.realTicker.Buy) / 2);
    lastSpread = adjustFloat((maxPair.realTicker.Sell - minPair.realTicker.Buy) / 2);

    // compute amount
    var amount = Math.min(AmountOnce, maxPair.canSell, minPair.realBuy);
    lastOpAmount = amount;
    var hedgePrice = adjustFloat((maxPair.realTicker.Buy - minPair.realTicker.Sell) / Math.max(SlideRatio, 2))
    if ( + hedgePrice, amount * (1+(minPair.fee.Buy/100)), stripTicker(minPair.realTicker))) { - hedgePrice, amount, stripTicker(maxPair.realTicker));

    isBalance = false;

function main() {
    if (exchanges.length < 2) {
        throw "交易所数量最少得两个才能完成对冲";

    TickInterval = Math.max(TickInterval, 50);
    Interval = Math.max(Interval, 50);


    initState = getExchangesState();
    if (initState.allStocks == 0) {
        throw "所有交易所货币数量总和为空, 必须先在任一交易所建仓才可以完成对冲";
    if (initState.allBalance == 0) {
        throw "所有交易所CNY数量总和为空, 无法继续对冲";

    for (var i = 0; i < initState.details.length; i++) {
        var e = initState.details[i];
        Log(,, e.account);

    Log("ALL: Balance: ", initState.allBalance, "Stocks: ", initState.allStocks, "Ver:", Version());

    while (true) {

The another one is the Grid strategy:   (Used in shocking market)
address :

function hasOrder(orders, orderId) {
    for (var i = 0; i < orders.length; i++) {
        if (orders[i].Id == orderId) {
            return true;
    return false;

function cancelPending() {
    var ret = false;
    while (true) {
        if (ret) {
        var orders = _C(exchange.GetOrders);
        if (orders.length == 0) {

        for (var j = 0; j < orders.length; j++) {
            exchange.CancelOrder(orders[j].Id, orders[j]);
            ret = true;
    return ret;

function valuesToString(values, pos) {
    var result = '';
    if (typeof(pos) === 'undefined') {
        pos = 0;
    for (var i = pos; i < values.length; i++) {
        if (i > pos) {
            result += ' ';
        if (values[i] === null) {
            result += 'null';
        } else if (typeof(values[i]) == 'undefined') {
            result += 'undefined';
        } else {
            switch (values[i] {
                case 'Date':
                case 'Number':
                case 'String':
                case 'Function':
                    result += values[i].toString();
                    result += JSON.stringify(values[i]);
    return result;

function Trader() {
    var vId = 0;
    var orderBooks = [];
    var hisBooks = [];
    var orderBooksLen = 0;
    this.Buy = function(price, amount, extra) {
        if (typeof(extra) === 'undefined') {
            extra = '';
        } else {
            extra = valuesToString(arguments, 2);
        var orderId = "V" + vId;
        orderBooks[orderId] = {
            Type: ORDER_TYPE_BUY,
            Status: ORDER_STATE_PENDING,
            Id: 0,
            Price: price,
            Amount: amount,
            Extra: extra
        return orderId;
    this.Sell = function(price, amount, extra) {
        if (typeof(extra) === 'undefined') {
            extra = '';
        } else {
            extra = valuesToString(arguments, 2);
        var orderId = "V" + vId;
        orderBooks[orderId] = {
            Type: ORDER_TYPE_SELL,
            Status: ORDER_STATE_PENDING,
            Id: 0,
            Price: price,
            Amount: amount,
            Extra: extra
        return orderId;
    this.GetOrders = function() {
        var orders = _C(exchange.GetOrders);
        for (orderId in orderBooks) {
            var order = orderBooks[orderId];
            if (order.Status !== ORDER_STATE_PENDING) {
            var found = false;
            for (var i = 0; i < orders.length; i++) {
                if (orders[i].Id == order.Id) {
                    found = true;
            if (!found) {
        return orders;
    this.GetOrder = function(orderId) {
        if (typeof(orderId) === 'number') {
            return exchange.GetOrder(orderId);
        if (typeof(hisBooks[orderId]) !== 'undefined') {
            return hisBooks[orderId];
        if (typeof(orderBooks[orderId]) !== 'undefined') {
            return orderBooks[orderId];
        return null;
    this.Len = function() {
        return orderBooksLen;
    this.RealLen = function() {
        var n = 0;
        for (orderId in orderBooks) {
            if (orderBooks[orderId].Id > 0) {
        return n;
    this.Poll = function(ticker, priceDiff) {
        var orders = _C(exchange.GetOrders);
        for (orderId in orderBooks) {
            var order = orderBooks[orderId];
            if (order.Id > 0) {
                var found = false;
                for (var i = 0; i < orders.length; i++) {
                    if (order.Id == orders[i].Id) {
                        found = true;
                if (!found) {
                    order.Status = ORDER_STATE_CLOSED;
                    hisBooks[orderId] = order;
            var diff = _N(order.Type == ORDER_TYPE_BUY ? (ticker.Buy - order.Price) : (order.Price - ticker.Sell));
            var pfn = order.Type == ORDER_TYPE_BUY ? exchange.Buy : exchange.Sell;
            if (order.Id == 0 && diff <= priceDiff) {
                var realId = pfn(order.Price, order.Amount, order.Extra + "(距离: " + diff + (order.Type == ORDER_TYPE_BUY ? (" 买一: " + ticker.Buy) : (" 卖一: " + ticker.Sell))+")");
                if (typeof(realId) === 'number') {
                    order.Id = realId;
            } else if (order.Id > 0 && diff > (priceDiff + 1)) {
                var ok = true;
                do {
                    ok = true;
                    exchange.CancelOrder(order.Id, "不必要的" + (order.Type == ORDER_TYPE_BUY ? "买单" : "卖单"), "委托价:", order.Price, "量:", order.Amount, ", 距离:", diff, order.Type == ORDER_TYPE_BUY ? ("买一: " + ticker.Buy) : ("卖一: " + ticker.Sell));
                    orders = _C(exchange.GetOrders);
                    for (var i = 0; i < orders.length; i++) {
                        if (orders[i].Id == order.Id) {
                            ok = false;
                } while (!ok);
                order.Id = 0;

function balanceAccount(orgAccount, initAccount) {
    var nowAccount = _C(exchange.GetAccount);
    var slidePrice = 0.2;
    var ok = true;
    while (true) {
        var diff = _N(nowAccount.Stocks - initAccount.Stocks);
        if (Math.abs(diff) < exchange.GetMinStock()) {
        var depth = _C(exchange.GetDepth);
        var books = diff > 0 ? depth.Bids : depth.Asks;
        var n = 0;
        var price = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < books.length; i++) {
            n += books[i].Amount;
            if (n >= Math.abs(diff)) {
                price = books[i].Price;
        var pfn = diff > 0 ? exchange.Sell : exchange.Buy;
        var amount = Math.abs(diff);
        var price = diff > 0 ? (price - slidePrice) : (price + slidePrice);
        Log("开始平衡", (diff > 0 ? "卖出" : "买入"), amount, "个币");
        if (diff > 0) {
            amount = Math.min(nowAccount.Stocks, amount);
        } else {
            amount = Math.min(nowAccount.Balance / price, amount);
        if (amount < exchange.GetMinStock()) {
            Log("资金不足, 无法平衡到初始状态");
            ok = false;
        pfn(price, amount);
        nowAccount = _C(exchange.GetAccount);
    if (ok) {
        LogProfit(_N(nowAccount.Balance - orgAccount.Balance));
        Log("平衡完成", nowAccount);

var ProfitCount = 0;
var BuyFirst = true;
var IsSupportGetOrder = true;
var LastBusy = 0;

function setBusy() {
    LastBusy = new Date();

function isTimeout() {
    if (MaxIdle <= 0) {
        return false;
    var now = new Date();
    if (((now.getTime() - LastBusy.getTime()) / 1000) >= MaxIdle) {
        LastBusy = now;
        return true;
    return false;

function onexit() {
    if (CancelAllWS) {
        Log("正在退出, 尝试取消所有挂单");

function fishing(orgAccount, fishCount) {
    var account = _C(exchange.GetAccount);
    var InitAccount = account;
    var ticker = _C(exchange.GetTicker);
    var amount = _N(AmountOnce);
    var amountB = [amount];
    var amountS = [amount];
    if (typeof(AmountType) !== 'undefined' && AmountType == 1) {
        for (var idx = 0; idx < AllNum; idx++) {
            amountB[idx] = BAmountOnce;
            amountS[idx] = SAmountOnce;
    } else {
        for (var idx = 1; idx < AllNum; idx++) {
            switch (AmountCoefficient[0]) {
                case '+':
                    amountB[idx] = amountB[idx - 1] + parseFloat(AmountCoefficient.substring(1));
                case '-':
                    amountB[idx] = amountB[idx - 1] - parseFloat(AmountCoefficient.substring(1));
                case '*':
                    amountB[idx] = amountB[idx - 1] * parseFloat(AmountCoefficient.substring(1));
                case '/':
                    amountB[idx] = amountB[idx - 1] / parseFloat(AmountCoefficient.substring(1));
            amountB[idx] = _N(amountB[idx], AmountDot);
            amountS[idx] = amountB[idx];
    if (FirstPriceAuto) {
        FirstPrice = BuyFirst ? _N(ticker.Buy - PriceGrid, Precision) : _N(ticker.Sell + PriceGrid, Precision);
    // Initialize fish table
    var fishTable = {};
    var uuidTable = {};
    var needStocks = 0;
    var needMoney = 0;
    var actualNeedMoney = 0;
    var actualNeedStocks = 0;
    var notEnough = false;
    var canNum = 0;
    for (var idx = 0; idx < AllNum; idx++) {
        var price = _N((BuyFirst ? FirstPrice - (idx * PriceGrid) : FirstPrice + (idx * PriceGrid)), Precision);
        needStocks += amountS[idx];
        needMoney += price * amountB[idx];
        if (BuyFirst) {
            if (_N(needMoney) <= _N(account.Balance)) {
                actualNeedMondy = needMoney;
                actualNeedStocks = needStocks;
            } else {
                notEnough = true;
        } else {
            if (_N(needStocks) <= _N(account.Stocks)) {
                actualNeedMondy = needMoney;
                actualNeedStocks = needStocks;
            } else {
                notEnough = true;
        fishTable[idx] = STATE_WAIT_OPEN;
        uuidTable[idx] = -1;
    if (!EnableAccountCheck && (canNum < AllNum)) {
        Log("警告, 当前资金只可做", canNum, "个网格, 全网共需", (BuyFirst ? needMoney : needStocks), "请保持资金充足");
        canNum = AllNum;
    if (BuyFirst) {
        if (EnableProtectDiff && (FirstPrice - ticker.Sell) > ProtectDiff) {
            throw "首次买入价比市场卖1价高" + _N(FirstPrice - ticker.Sell, Precision) + ' 元';
        } else if (EnableAccountCheck && account.Balance < _N(needMoney)) {
            if (fishCount == 1) {
                throw "资金不足, 需要" + _N(needMoney) + "元";
            } else {
                Log("资金不足, 需要", _N(needMoney), "元, 程序只做", canNum, "个网格 #ff0000");
        } else {
            Log('预计动用资金: ', _N(needMoney), "元");
    } else {
        if (EnableProtectDiff && (ticker.Buy - FirstPrice) > ProtectDiff) {
            throw "首次卖出价比市场买1价高 " + _N(ticker.Buy - FirstPrice, Precision) + ' 元';
        } else if (EnableAccountCheck && account.Stocks < _N(needStocks)) {
            if (fishCount == 1) {
                throw "币数不足, 需要 " + _N(needStocks) + " 个币";
            } else {
                Log("资金不足, 需要", _N(needStocks), "个币, 程序只做", canNum, "个网格 #ff0000");
        } else {
            Log('预计动用币数: ', _N(needStocks), "个, 约", _N(needMoney), "元");

    var trader = new Trader();
    var OpenFunc = BuyFirst ? exchange.Buy : exchange.Sell;
    var CoverFunc = BuyFirst ? exchange.Sell : exchange.Buy;
    if (EnableDynamic) {
        OpenFunc = BuyFirst ? trader.Buy : trader.Sell;
        CoverFunc = BuyFirst ? trader.Sell : trader.Buy;
    var ts = new Date();
    var preMsg = "";
    var profitMax = 0;
    while (true) {
        var now = new Date();
        var table = null;
        if (now.getTime() - ts.getTime() > 5000) {
            if (typeof(GetCommand) == 'function' && GetCommand() == "收网") {
                balanceAccount(orgAccount, InitAccount);
                return false;
            ts = now;
            var nowAccount = _C(exchange.GetAccount);
            var ticker = _C(exchange.GetTicker);
            if (EnableDynamic) {
                trader.Poll(ticker, DynamicMax);
            var amount_diff = (nowAccount.Stocks + nowAccount.FrozenStocks) - (InitAccount.Stocks + InitAccount.FrozenStocks);
            var money_diff = (nowAccount.Balance + nowAccount.FrozenBalance) - (InitAccount.Balance + InitAccount.FrozenBalance);
            var floatProfit = _N(money_diff + (amount_diff * ticker.Last));
            var floatProfitAll = _N((nowAccount.Balance + nowAccount.FrozenBalance - orgAccount.Balance - orgAccount.FrozenBalance) + ((nowAccount.Stocks + nowAccount.FrozenStocks - orgAccount.Stocks - orgAccount.FrozenStocks) * ticker.Last));
            var isHold = Math.abs(amount_diff) >= exchange.GetMinStock();
            if (isHold) {

            profitMax = Math.max(floatProfit, profitMax);
            if (EnableAccountCheck && EnableStopLoss) {
                if ((profitMax - floatProfit) >= StopLoss) {
                    Log("当前浮动盈亏", floatProfit, "利润最高点: ", profitMax, "开始止损");
                    balanceAccount(orgAccount, InitAccount);
                    if (StopLossMode == 0) {
                        throw "止损退出";
                    } else {
                        return true;
            if (EnableAccountCheck && EnableStopWin) {
                if (floatProfit > StopWin) {
                    Log("当前浮动盈亏", floatProfit, "开始止盈");
                    balanceAccount(orgAccount, InitAccount);
                    if (StopWinMode == 0) {
                        throw "止盈退出";
                    } else {
                        return true;
            var distance = 0;
            if (EnableAccountCheck && AutoMove) {
                if (BuyFirst) {
                    distance = ticker.Last - FirstPrice;
                } else {
                    distance = FirstPrice - ticker.Last;
                var refish = false;
                if (!isHold && isTimeout()) {
                    Log("空仓过久, 开始移动网格");
                    refish = true;
                if (distance > MaxDistance) {
                    Log("价格超出网格区间过多, 开始移动网格, 当前距离: ", _N(distance, Precision), "当前价格:", ticker.Last);
                    refish = true;
                if (refish) {
                    balanceAccount(orgAccount, InitAccount);
                    return true;

            var holdDirection, holdAmount = "--",
                holdPrice = "--";
            if (isHold) {
                if (RestoreProfit && ProfitAsOrg) {
                    if (BuyFirst) {
                        money_diff += LastProfit;
                    } else {
                        money_diff -= LastProfit;
                holdAmount = amount_diff;
                holdPrice = (-money_diff) / amount_diff;
                if (!BuyFirst) {
                    holdAmount = -amount_diff;
                    holdPrice = (money_diff) / -amount_diff;
                holdAmount = _N(holdAmount, 4);
                holdPrice = _N(holdPrice, Precision);
                holdDirection = BuyFirst ? "多" : "空";
            } else {
                holdDirection = "--";
            table = {
                type: 'table',
                title: '运行状态',
                cols: ['动用资金', '持有仓位', '持仓大小', '持仓均价', '总浮动盈亏', '当前网格盈亏', '撒网次数', '网格偏移', '真实委托', '最新币价'],
                rows: [
                    [_N(actualNeedMondy, 4), holdDirection, holdAmount, holdPrice, _N(floatProfitAll, 4) + ' ( ' + _N(floatProfitAll * 100 / actualNeedMondy, 4) + ' % )', floatProfit, fishCount, (AutoMove && distance > 0) ? ((BuyFirst ? "向上" : "向下") + "偏离: " + _N(distance) + " 元") : "--", trader.RealLen(), ticker.Last]
        var orders = _C(trader.GetOrders);
        if (table) {
            if (!EnableDynamic) {
                table.rows[0][8] = orders.length;
            LogStatus('`' + JSON.stringify(table) + '`');
        for (var idx = 0; idx < canNum; idx++) {
            var openPrice = _N((BuyFirst ? FirstPrice - (idx * PriceGrid) : FirstPrice + (idx * PriceGrid)), Precision);
            var coverPrice = _N((BuyFirst ? openPrice + PriceDiff : openPrice - PriceDiff), Precision);
            var state = fishTable[idx];
            var fishId = uuidTable[idx];
            if (hasOrder(orders, fishId)) {

            if (fishId != -1 && IsSupportGetOrder) {
                var order = trader.GetOrder(fishId);
                if (!order) {
                    Log("获取订单信息失败, ID: ", fishId);
                if (order.Status == ORDER_STATE_PENDING) {
                    //Log("订单状态为未完成, ID: ", fishId);

            if (state == STATE_WAIT_COVER) {
                var coverId = CoverFunc(coverPrice, (BuyFirst ? amountS[idx] : amountB[idx]), (BuyFirst ? '完成买单:' : '完成卖单:'), openPrice, '量:', (BuyFirst ? amountB[idx] : amountS[idx]));
                if (typeof(coverId) === 'number' || typeof(coverId) === 'string') {
                    fishTable[idx] = STATE_WAIT_CLOSE;
                    uuidTable[idx] = coverId;
            } else if (state == STATE_WAIT_OPEN || state == STATE_WAIT_CLOSE) {
                var openId = OpenFunc(openPrice, BuyFirst ? amountB[idx] : amountS[idx]);
                if (typeof(openId) === 'number' || typeof(openId) === 'string') {
                    fishTable[idx] = STATE_WAIT_COVER;
                    uuidTable[idx] = openId;
                    if (state == STATE_WAIT_CLOSE) {
                        var account = _C(exchange.GetAccount);
                        var ticker = _C(exchange.GetTicker);
                        var initNet = _N(((InitAccount.Stocks + InitAccount.FrozenStocks) * ticker.Buy) + InitAccount.Balance + InitAccount.FrozenBalance, 8);
                        var nowNet = _N(((account.Stocks + account.FrozenStocks) * ticker.Buy) + account.Balance + account.FrozenBalance, 8);
                        var actualProfit = _N(((nowNet - initNet)) * 100 / initNet, 8);
                        if (AmountType == 0) {
                            var profit = _N((ProfitCount * amount * PriceDiff) + LastProfit, 8);
                            Log((BuyFirst ? '完成卖单:' : '完成买单:'), coverPrice, '量:', (BuyFirst ? amountS[idx] : amountB[idx]), '平仓收益', profit);
                        } else {
                            Log((BuyFirst ? '完成卖单:' : '完成买单:'), coverPrice, '量:', (BuyFirst ? amountS[idx] : amountB[idx]));
    return true;

function main() {
    if (ResetData) {
    if (typeof(AmountType) === 'undefined') {
        AmountType = 0;
    if (typeof(AmountDot) === 'undefined') {
        AmountDot = 3;
    if (typeof(EnableDynamic) === 'undefined') {
        EnableDynamic = false;
    if (typeof(AmountCoefficient) === 'undefined') {
        AmountCoefficient = "*1";
    if (typeof(EnableAccountCheck) === 'undefined') {
        EnableAccountCheck = true;
    BuyFirst = (OpType == 0);
    IsSupportGetOrder = exchange.GetName().indexOf('itstamp') == -1;
    if (!IsSupportGetOrder) {
        Log(exchange.GetName(), "不支持GetOrder, 可能影响策略稳定性.");

    SetErrorFilter("502:|503:|S_U_001|unexpected|network|timeout|WSARecv|Connect|GetAddr|no such|reset|http|received|refused|EOF|When");

    Log('已经禁用汇率转换, 当前货币为', exchange.GetBaseCurrency());

    if (!RestoreProfit) {
        LastProfit = 0;

    var orgAccount = _C(exchange.GetAccount);
    var fishCount = 1;
    while (true) {
        if (!fishing(orgAccount, fishCount)) {
        Log("第", fishCount, "次重新撒网...");
        FirstPriceAuto = true;
full member
Activity: 350
Merit: 100
I think the best trade strategy to be used for cryptocurrencies is to take reasonable risks. As all we now, these currencies have fluctuate price curves and you have to make your plans according to these volatile curves. And also, I think the best strategy for the bitcoin is holding for now. If you know where to rush and where to be patient, getting good profits from cryptocurrencies by trading becomes more easy.
hero member
Activity: 630
Merit: 500
If your talking about bitcoin, the most and effective way to profit is “don’t look on price daily”. Simple right. The more we monitored the charts and it’s flactuaions we will be attempt to sold and panic when we its down the same way when it’s up. Temptation and impatience is the most common reason we tend to sell our coins even we know that the price still increasing and can be doubled in for the next month. Because in bitcoin it’s better not to use your eyes but use your mind and heart to trust bitcoin.
If you are a good and active trader then it is too much important to study and watch the price on regular bases. In fact it  is to much important to watch the price of bitcoin regularly specially if you are holding bitcoin for short time, so that you can take a right decision in a right time. To me i personally studying the market of bitcoin from time to time using
full member
Activity: 406
Merit: 100
▰▰▰ MODULE ▰▰
What do you think is the best strategy in identifying the trade in cryptocurrency world. RSI is not that very effective. I also use MACD for normal trading studies. The morning and evening star is a good indicator too.

There's no best strategy to use in crypto currency,as long as you earned and continue your investment in proper way's then its good.when trading or buying bitcoins the only best option is to buy in low and sell in high or follow the basic fundamental analysis and be vigilant to your asset.
Activity: 1652
Merit: 1057
I use following strategies Grin: (as many people do):
1) buy low, sell high
2) buy high, sell higher
3) buy and hold
4) buy in/out gradually (in certain time and/or price intervals)
I agree with most of what you have said as they can still be pretty safe for good trading. But number 2 is a No No unless you want to be a FOMO which can be extremely risky and may tie down your cash for long or probably if you just want set a stop loss button.
hero member
Activity: 826
Merit: 1004
I don't follow too many strategies because too many stuffs are happening in btc which inturn has a sure affect on alts i subscribed to many news channels specifically those related to btc so that if any bad or good happened i can react accordingly.
Most important strategy is stop loss it is vital in today's trading the price falls by $200 just by one announcement you don't want that to happen.
Always buy in the dip normally if any new news or update is given related to a coin everyone buys it just wait for a night the price falls and then buy during the dip.
full member
Activity: 224
Merit: 100
There is no technical analysis tools working properly to plot you something for the future. try to understand the strategy and arbitrage trading reasons.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1024
I feel very bored if doing trading using indicators. Because indicators only read candlesticks that have occurred. I prefer naked trading by determining own wave point and trading longterm is my strategy. Maybe this isn't the best strategy but for me this is a strategy to makes me feel safe and comfortable in trading.
It totally depends on each individual but if you have good cash to trade with, long term can actually be very profitable even though they might take a little bit of time. Once you are lucky to buy from a good position, you can just set a sell order at a good point of profit for you which is also realistic and just go to sleep and check once in a while if you have hit it.
sr. member
Activity: 322
Merit: 253
If your talking about bitcoin, the most and effective way to profit is “don’t look on price daily”. Simple right. The more we monitored the charts and it’s flactuaions we will be attempt to sold and panic when we its down the same way when it’s up. Temptation and impatience is the most common reason we tend to sell our coins even we know that the price still increasing and can be doubled in for the next month. Because in bitcoin it’s better not to use your eyes but use your mind and heart to trust bitcoin.
hero member
Activity: 770
Merit: 505
I feel very bored if doing trading using indicators. Because indicators only read candlesticks that have occurred. I prefer naked trading by determining own wave point and trading longterm is my strategy. Maybe this isn't the best strategy but for me this is a strategy to makes me feel safe and comfortable in trading.
It totally depends on each individual but if you have good cash to trade with, long term can actually be very profitable even though they might take a little bit of time.

Once you are lucky to buy from a good position, you can just set a sell order at a good point of profit for you which is also realistic and just go to sleep and check once in a while if you have hit it.
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1041

I use same strategy but failed me most times.

* Research
* Find valuable coins
* Buy Low
* Sell high
* Research for Coins that are about to be pumped.
* Check the volume to confirm it will be pumped
* Buy and Sell high
Probably with that strategy, all you would have needed is to relax and be patient a little bit, you could have been able to win. However, there are so many times you will need to study the charts first and see if the position you are buying from is a good one or not. However, some Altcoins may require you to stay longer before you can even see some profit. I have held a coin for over a month and I saw a huge profit on it eventually. I prefer to hold a coin if my strategies didn't go well than selling as long as I know it still sure have the possibility of coming back up or being pumped.
Activity: 233
Merit: 10
For me as a beginner in trading i usually use just simple but effective patterns like inverse head n shoulders and triple bottom wich is amazing all of this ex are breakouts
hero member
Activity: 626
Merit: 500
There are 2 strategies right now and I think that it is very useful for newbie:
1. Buy the rumors sell the news
2. Buy when it hits the new peak and sell when it is dumped
They are good strategies and newbies do not need to learn much to understand them. No need analysis at all Wink
Those are basic stuffs and it does really easy to read and easy to say but for those newbies out there executing this kind of trading ways or habit would really be difficult for the first time specially if you dont know on where to seek those valuable informations or news on a certain coin which would really make it hard but still a good advice and can really push us to discover things but we should really be not on a hurry.
Newbies were too excited to earn, they should be much eager to learn first. They can learn through experience and when they already learn it will be easy for them to eaen here.
hero member
Activity: 3010
Merit: 794
There are 2 strategies right now and I think that it is very useful for newbie:
1. Buy the rumors sell the news
2. Buy when it hits the new peak and sell when it is dumped
They are good strategies and newbies do not need to learn much to understand them. No need analysis at all Wink
Those are basic stuffs and it does really easy to read and easy to say but for those newbies out there executing this kind of trading ways or habit would really be difficult for the first time specially if you dont know on where to seek those valuable informations or news on a certain coin which would really make it hard but still a good advice and can really push us to discover things but we should really be not on a hurry.
full member
Activity: 252
Merit: 100
Did anyone say Buy low sell high? :p

In my opinion technical analysis can give you an edge if you use it correctly.  What I mean is a lot of people use TA so you can get an idea of where a coin will go based on trendlines and areas of support/resistance so when it does break out of a certain pattern you can get an idea of where it's going.  Also, by looking at people on social media with a lot of influence, their analysis of the charts becomes self fulfilling;  a lot of people see it, believe it and trade based on it and the trade works out.
sr. member
Activity: 300
Merit: 250
There are 2 strategies right now and I think that it is very useful for newbie:
1. Buy the rumors sell the news
2. Buy when it hits the new peak and sell when it is dumped
They are good strategies and newbies do not need to learn much to understand them. No need analysis at all Wink
hero member
Activity: 868
Merit: 504
Personally, I believe in holding some legit coin also its ok with day trade. The best and most reliable cryptocurrency trading method for making money daily there is a phrase I follow "Buy low sell high" In this case, you have need good history over the CC.
hero member
Activity: 625
Merit: 501
me im just doing some research and price monitoring hehe and some news  just make the trading a hubby so wont stress your self if is dump ok you can wait for some days of month just have a patients.
im just do some research too, and i read their platform so tight so that i will be decide if their coin is having a good potential or not, and i am also viewing some clips in youtube thats why i am learning from social media too. there are different people on how do they trade accordingly to their wants and needs.
Actually some clips in youtube not good for me, it very vague and not better than other sharing website about trading skill of Forex market. In my country, I do not need to reseach many much because I have a forum discuss and sharing knowledge, experience with my language Grin.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
Volume Spread Analysis works quite well on crypto markets.
sr. member
Activity: 840
Merit: 252
What do you think is the best strategy in identifying the trade in cryptocurrency world. RSI is not that very effective. I also use MACD for normal trading studies. The morning and evening star is a good indicator too.

You can use indicator you like, choose by your self but always with long time period ( daily - monthly ). For me, long time period make me comfortable because has a better result than short time period. We can analyze the market slowly but sure and until know I never " panic sell ". Your money your decision, but don't use too many indicators, bad result. Have a nice day.
Thanks. I am using both the long term and short term but most of the time it is the short term that has edge for me for the time being.
hero member
Activity: 854
Merit: 500
me im just doing some research and price monitoring hehe and some news  just make the trading a hubby so wont stress your self if is dump ok you can wait for some days of month just have a patients.
im just do some research too, and i read their platform so tight so that i will be decide if their coin is having a good potential or not, and i am also viewing some clips in youtube thats why i am learning from social media too. there are different people on how do they trade accordingly to their wants and needs.
sr. member
Activity: 1680
Merit: 259
What do you think is the best strategy in identifying the trade in cryptocurrency world. RSI is not that very effective. I also use MACD for normal trading studies. The morning and evening star is a good indicator too.

You can use indicator you like, choose by your self but always with long time period ( daily - monthly ). For me, long time period make me comfortable because has a better result than short time period. We can analyze the market slowly but sure and until know I never " panic sell ". Your money your decision, but don't use too many indicators, bad result. Have a nice day.
hero member
Activity: 1246
Merit: 529
CryptoTalk.Org - Get Paid for every Post!
For me, price monitoring really works. Whenever I see over the couples of weeks of an altcoin was pumping slowly, then that it is the signal for me that this altcoin is going to pump more than 50%.

But how could you monitor the pump if you don't have a tools to tickle you up for some changes on happenings of the prices and the best tool to monitor some changes is to have an blockfolio app and other than that we should seek some information on coinmarketcap to see on which of the coins got dump harder of its peak hours.

It is so simple do bro. Please have preev or coindesk or coinbase in your mobile or desktop. You can find the option monitor the price chart in an hour, day, weekly and yearly basis to check the perfect growth and dips in the price chart. Coinmarkercap is good to moniter the altcoin when buy the initial token sale.

Your exchange probably has an app for it for tracker. I think polo has one that can even notify you through alarm if you're desired buy or sell rate gets reached. And it's easier to monitor if you can use your mobile devices for it.
sr. member
Activity: 826
Merit: 263
For me, price monitoring really works. Whenever I see over the couples of weeks of an altcoin was pumping slowly, then that it is the signal for me that this altcoin is going to pump more than 50%.

But how could you monitor the pump if you don't have a tools to tickle you up for some changes on happenings of the prices and the best tool to monitor some changes is to have an blockfolio app and other than that we should seek some information on coinmarketcap to see on which of the coins got dump harder of its peak hours.

It is so simple do bro. Please have preev or coindesk or coinbase in your mobile or desktop. You can find the option monitor the price chart in an hour, day, weekly and yearly basis to check the perfect growth and dips in the price chart. Coinmarkercap is good to moniter the altcoin when buy the initial token sale.
copper member
Activity: 490
Merit: 105
★★ Fun BTC Casino!
What do you think is the best strategy in identifying the trade in cryptocurrency world. RSI is not that very effective. I also use MACD for normal trading studies. The morning and evening star is a good indicator too.

I would like to tell that RSI is effective in all systems, or scripts that you are trading, provided you know about RSI in deep.And also dont use MACD and RSI together because both indicates same signal as both are oscillator Indicator.I am a trend follower and i believe that trend following is the working good in cryptocurrency trading. I Have Mastered Rsi,candlesticks and bollinger band. Apart from these 3 indicators i also add volume,chart patterns and trendlines for trend and trade setup confirmation. I keep dow theory as base of all my systems and strategies . listed below are some tools that i use in my strategy

1) RSI                  -            (14 period default settings) Finding trend and divergence  
2) Boll band           -            (20 period default settings) finding the trend and tops & bottoms
3) Candlesticks       -           candlestick patterns like Pin bar,Fakey setup,Bull sash,Piercing line, etc
4) Trendlines
          &               -            Trendline channel breakout and trendline breakout confirms either            
    Trend channels                 the continuation of a trend or reversal of a trend.
5) Volume              -            confirming the trend breakouts and continuations.

let us see how the bollinger band squeeze breakout system works in crypto here

BUY THE BITCOIN , when the candle breaks the boll band and close outside the band with high volume and rsi breaking 60 levels.

SELL THE BITCOIN, when the candle breaks the boll band and closes outside the band with high  volume and rsi breaking 40 levels.

while applying this strategy you need to be proactive either you will follow this system and take positions or you will reverse the positions if the system fails...

see this below listed  image for proper understanding.

hope this helps, if you want to know more in detail then you can msg to my inbox  

full member
Activity: 181
Merit: 100
For me, price monitoring really works. Whenever I see over the couples of weeks of an altcoin was pumping slowly, then that it is the signal for me that this altcoin is going to pump more than 50%.

But how could you monitor the pump if you don't have a tools to tickle you up for some changes on happenings of the prices and the best tool to monitor some changes is to have an blockfolio app and other than that we should seek some information on coinmarketcap to see on which of the coins got dump harder of its peak hours.
full member
Activity: 238
Merit: 100
For me, price monitoring really works. Whenever I see over the couples of weeks of an altcoin was pumping slowly, then that it is the signal for me that this altcoin is going to pump more than 50%.
full member
Activity: 714
Merit: 114
What do you think is the best strategy in identifying the trade in cryptocurrency world. RSI is not that very effective. I also use MACD for normal trading studies. The morning and evening star is a good indicator too.

i think it depends in you and what works for others may not work for you, so you better try it on your own way so that if youl loose you cant blaim anyone and you can always learn from your mistakes. but in my case im only using the basic method which is buy low - sell high and analyzing the movements of candle sticks.
sr. member
Activity: 840
Merit: 252
For now I have decided to abandon technical analysis indicators and just focus on this simple traditional trading strategy! That is buying an assets when the price is low and sell them when the price is high. I do my trading on poloniex and the only study I do was to look at the asset or coin to find out if it has taken a dip and buy and monitor it to see if it has raise over time and sell it.
I guess this is fine for me for now. I see it as a good advice while cryptos are in the lows of price.
sr. member
Activity: 840
Merit: 252
I use following strategies Grin: (as many people do):
1) buy low, sell high
2) buy high, sell higher
3) buy and hold
4) buy in/out gradually (in certain time and/or price intervals)

The number 3, buy high and sell higher might be risky for me and in your enumeration is not fit for me. I know I have to check chart first before I buy and if I find it higher than before it is better to wait to see the price down.
hero member
Activity: 1034
Merit: 558
I use following strategies Grin: (as many people do):
1) buy low, sell high
2) buy high, sell higher
3) buy and hold
4) buy in/out gradually (in certain time and/or price intervals)
sr. member
Activity: 924
Merit: 260
For now I have decided to abandon technical analysis indicators and just focus on this simple traditional trading strategy! That is buying an assets when the price is low and sell them when the price is high. I do my trading on poloniex and the only study I do was to look at the asset or coin to find out if it has taken a dip and buy and monitor it to see if it has raise over time and sell it.
sr. member
Activity: 616
Merit: 250
I feel very bored if doing trading using indicators. Because indicators only read candlesticks that have occurred. I prefer naked trading by determining own wave point and trading longterm is my strategy. Maybe this isn't the best strategy but for me this is a strategy to makes me feel safe and comfortable in trading.
sr. member
Activity: 840
Merit: 252
me im just doing some research and price monitoring hehe and some news  just make the trading a hubby so wont stress your self if is dump ok you can wait for some days of month just have a patients.
Yeah , because waiting and having some patience will be the best attitude that a trader must have. My best stratedgy is buying and holding and when i got to see the big ATH i will sell and go buy again when it was cheap. rinse and repeat.

Buy low and sell high, so it means you have to be a big player and be patient to wait for the pump or else you might get caught and end up to be buying a high price not knowing the trend is downtrend. Some cases r like that.. that happened to me too.
hero member
Activity: 854
Merit: 500
Stake & Vote or Become a IoTeX Delegate!
me im just doing some research and price monitoring hehe and some news  just make the trading a hubby so wont stress your self if is dump ok you can wait for some days of month just have a patients.
Yeah , because waiting and having some patience will be the best attitude that a trader must have. My best stratedgy is buying and holding and when i got to see the big ATH i will sell and go buy again when it was cheap. rinse and repeat.
Activity: 11
Merit: 0

I use same strategy but failed me most times.

* Research
* Find valuable coins
* Buy Low
* Sell high
* Research for Coins that are about to be pumped.
* Check the volume to confirm it will be pumped
* Buy and Sell high
sr. member
Activity: 1050
Merit: 251
me im just doing some research and price monitoring hehe and some news  just make the trading a hubby so wont stress your self if is dump ok you can wait for some days of month just have a patients.
hero member
Activity: 1680
Merit: 535
Bitcoin- in bullish time
The only strategy that i use right now is to do swing trading. I know that it is not a pure strategy but more on type of trading but that is what i am doing. I always do swing trading rather than short trading or day trading. It is better for me because when i buy for example at 170 satoshi and at the end of the day it reaches up to 180 satoshi then i will just keep it for at least 3-5 days and then if the price will go up more than 200 satoshi then i will sell it and do the same thing again on the same or other coin.
sr. member
Activity: 798
Merit: 255
What do you think is the best strategy in identifying the trade in cryptocurrency world. RSI is not that very effective. I also use MACD for normal trading studies. The morning and evening star is a good indicator too.
Each and everyone of us has our own strategies. Each traders must atleast have your own mathematical way and have your own pattern of strategies and management of your coins. If you need an advice to the professionals you must able to undertand it and learn from them. But I believe that you have your own talent and own knowledge about this. Being an traders imitation is not enough for you to success I do believe that if you actually make it right and make it with your own strategies, strength and your own knowledge you will make it right and you will succeed because you use your own.
hero member
Activity: 986
Merit: 516
I am a crypto trader, so I have to follow a strategy every time.The first strategy is, I never put all of eggs in one basket.its the first rule that I follow every time.Then I never invest into only Altcoin. I kept some Bitcoin and kept some altcoin.I like to do regular trade and also hold.holding is a good way for earning profit from cryptocurrency.Now I am holding MGO for a long time.I believe this project.
Activity: 77
Merit: 0
What do you think is the best strategy in identifying the trade in cryptocurrency world. RSI is not that very effective. I also use MACD for normal trading studies. The morning and evening star is a good indicator too.
sometimes too quickly cut loss is the cause of losses because the spot market needs time to build upward momentum. Determine what percentage limit losses and profits every time taking a trading position (eg 15%), and discipline with the decision.
Activity: 1442
Merit: 1025
The best strategy for btc trading to date is "buy low, sell high". Perhaps this is what anyone may know but it is important to choose the right time to sell to be highly profitable.
I think this is the strategy of business. It is not like specifically to bitcoin trading. But still it is efficient and useful strategy. You just have to be patient all the times when dealing with bitcoins. Price is low, just buy it. Wait for the peak of price, just sell it with huge margin.  It is quite simple.
sr. member
Activity: 840
Merit: 252
The best strategy for btc trading to date is "buy low, sell high". Perhaps this is what anyone may know but it is important to choose the right time to sell to be highly profitable.
Buy low and sell high do not apply to be just profitable in cryptocurrency. In my experience, you need to at least know the basics of trading. What if you buy now that you think it will go up in a few days or week but the trend reverse and you end up caught in the middle, that's the problem if you just think buy low sell high and with very little knowledge of trading technics.
sr. member
Activity: 503
Merit: 250
The best strategy for btc trading to date is "buy low, sell high". Perhaps this is what anyone may know but it is important to choose the right time to sell to be highly profitable.
But it's hard to predict the right time, we can't eatch it overnight ,it can't be announced also that it's the time. The only we can do is determined if we sell it in that amount did we earn already? or if by that time will it increase.
full member
Activity: 149
Merit: 100
The best strategy for btc trading to date is "buy low, sell high". Perhaps this is what anyone may know but it is important to choose the right time to sell to be highly profitable.
sr. member
Activity: 840
Merit: 252
Learning a lot is better. I am glad to read more useful posts here. All is very very informative. It is like I am reading a book. I guess fibonacci is better because some trader here definitely explains it more better with their experience.
Activity: 938
Merit: 1002
there are plenty of supply of indicators. not all of them are that effective but if you use them all and conclude a concrete conclusion on where the trend will go. then you can have a great technical analysis.
Yes there are enough number of technical analysis tools and indicators but making use of them would be the challenge for any trader. I mean to say it will not be easier to find a concrete strategy by combining many indicators across different trading pairs. Some tools work perfect only for few trading assets.

I do trade using pivot point analysis which is working fine with all high volume based trading assets.
Activity: 1050
Merit: 1001
Market is down. Cryptocurrencies prices and value is all the way going down. June is the month of bloody market. No trading strategy works fine. I hope one day we wake up it has less blood and little by little get its strength. Massacre of cryptocurrencies are only for those shit coins who can't stand strong the bloody bath of the market manipulation.

The market is going crazy. And if bitcoin price falls rest of all coins prices fall and vice versa. The base is always bitcoin. See what has happen to Ethereum price has fall drastically due to bitcoin price falling. Hope some positive news will help the price to regain above 2700 $ in coming time.

Not always , few months ago the trend when bitcoin price up , eth will go down is so popular.
But recently it is changed and even more to move randomly.
We cannot make a perfect prediction but at least it should close to the result. First of all you need to set a profit and lost limit then learn about trading charts. Just it.
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
any trading strategy will assume that you can somehow predict the future return based on previous returns. to be more specific, you are essentially saying the (weak form of the) efficient market hypothesis is invalid. one way to figure this out mathematically is to compute the autocorrelation of a set of returns and check for statistical significance. this is essentially a trend following algorithm if you trade with the autocorrelation or mean-reversion if you trade against it.
hero member
Activity: 1218
Merit: 557
Market is down. Cryptocurrencies prices and value is all the way going down. June is the month of bloody market. No trading strategy works fine. I hope one day we wake up it has less blood and little by little get its strength. Massacre of cryptocurrencies are only for those shit coins who can't stand strong the bloody bath of the market manipulation.

The market is going crazy. And if bitcoin price falls rest of all coins prices fall and vice versa. The base is always bitcoin. See what has happen to Ethereum price has fall drastically due to bitcoin price falling. Hope some positive news will help the price to regain above 2700 $ in coming time.
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1000
Best strategy to use = never read bitcointalk posts , buy low seel high ,is it clear enough for you ?

Why never read posts here? There are a lot of trading experts here and is giving free signals to what crypto currency is going to pump and has the potential to generate profit. Just read those helpful and factual posts and ignore those posts that are just giving traders fear. Because there are times that most of their speculations are good.
Agree most of the expert here in forum gives free signal what coin is the best to buy altcoin and what altcoin next to pump or have potential to increase. Buy low and sell high is simple strategy I think. Reading here in this forum in this forum because its gives you idea about different coin. But it your choice what coin you want to buy or what strategy did you use. All decision is coming from you not me and not them.
People suggest this btctalk forum to learn how to do trading, but you are different saying don't refer this site comments. I think with the own knowledge we can not become pro trader in a short time. We must spend some time this forum then only we will get to know which is coin is good to trade and which is not. Without taking basic knowledge if you enter this trading field, you will lose your money. And this forum is the best place learn basic things about trading.
Activity: 84
Merit: 0
Market is down. Cryptocurrencies prices and value is all the way going down. June is the month of bloody market. No trading strategy works fine. I hope one day we wake up it has less blood and little by little get its strength. Massacre of cryptocurrencies are only for those shit coins who can't stand strong the bloody bath of the market manipulation.

Well that summarizes the story very well LOL
i like your style!
so June seems to be the preferred month for a bloody movie presented in the closest theater starring the weak cryptocurrencies

hero member
Activity: 2744
Merit: 541
Campaign Management?"Hhampuz" is the Man
Market is down. Cryptocurrencies prices and value is all the way going down. June is the month of bloody market. No trading strategy works fine. I hope one day we wake up it has less blood and little by little get its strength. Massacre of cryptocurrencies are only for those shit coins who can't stand strong the bloody bath of the market manipulation.
understanding how the market works is really important just like what you have said June month really shows us downfall and more and more coins had been
created so basically the blood market together with new ico / created coins will allow us to determined in what coins will be perfect to buy and to gain a profits just needed to check every aspects.
sr. member
Activity: 546
Merit: 256
there are plenty of supply of indicators. not all of them are that effective but if you use them all and conclude a concrete conclusion on where the trend will go. then you can have a great technical analysis.
sr. member
Activity: 840
Merit: 252
Market is down. Cryptocurrencies prices and value is all the way going down. June is the month of bloody market. No trading strategy works fine. I hope one day we wake up it has less blood and little by little get its strength. Massacre of cryptocurrencies are only for those shit coins who can't stand strong the bloody bath of the market manipulation.
sr. member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 267
Best strategy to use = never read bitcointalk posts , buy low seel high ,is it clear enough for you ?

Why never read posts here? There are a lot of trading experts here and is giving free signals to what crypto currency is going to pump and has the potential to generate profit. Just read those helpful and factual posts and ignore those posts that are just giving traders fear. Because there are times that most of their speculations are good.
Agree most of the expert here in forum gives free signal what coin is the best to buy altcoin and what altcoin next to pump or have potential to increase. Buy low and sell high is simple strategy I think. Reading here in this forum in this forum because its gives you idea about different coin. But it your choice what coin you want to buy or what strategy did you use. All decision is coming from you not me and not them.
sr. member
Activity: 686
Merit: 250
I divide my capital into FIAT, BTC, ALTCOINS I believe, SHIT PUMP AND DUMPS. The FAIT is for everyday use and a few long hold shares. BTC I mostly have in cold storage and some in margin lending. ALT coin i believe i try to buy low, sell high, buy back and so on. THE pump and dump shit coins and new tokens i do it more like gambling.
sr. member
Activity: 1330
Merit: 291
What do you think is the best strategy in identifying the trade in cryptocurrency world. RSI is not that very effective. I also use MACD for normal trading studies. The morning and evening star is a good indicator too.
Some times what work for you may not work for the other person. So in currency trading you have to identify or develop what work for you and not what work for the other person because it might not work for you. Some people may have problem with MACD but to me, it work for me in some occasions.
hero member
Activity: 1316
Merit: 502
My trading strategy is to divide my capital into 2 parts, one part I use for short term investment, the rest I will invest long term. Firstly talk about long term investment, I choose the potential coin as eth or ltc to invest, I will buy it at the lowest possible price and set up the price I want to sell then do not care and forget about it. For short-term investment, I usually use technical analysis, reading charts and news, I also never buy at a price, I buy at many different prices, and always determine the price will be sold before the transaction and the price will sell if our prediction is wrong
hero member
Activity: 2996
Merit: 609
What do you think is the best strategy in identifying the trade in cryptocurrency world. RSI is not that very effective. I also use MACD for normal trading studies. The morning and evening star is a good indicator too.
Ive been trying to use these technical tools but i would really say that these indicators doesnt work anytime you do make use of it but still a good tool on knowing the particular trend of a coin.Unlike on forex or stocks these technical analysis would really be helpful but on cryptoworld is different since pumps and dumps do happen on unexpected events.
hero member
Activity: 854
Merit: 500
Stake & Vote or Become a IoTeX Delegate!
What do you think is the best strategy in identifying the trade in cryptocurrency world. RSI is not that very effective. I also use MACD for normal trading studies. The morning and evening star is a good indicator too.
RSI and MACD is a good method it will mkae gou a clear vision or goal. Although this is not a sure one we just spculate and predicte how much it will rise based on its projects.
For me it is by researching and i sell always the news this is the best next is to learn skills base on your mistakes.
hero member
Activity: 714
Merit: 501
there are not good altcoin or bad altcoin if you are trading altcoins since everyone else seems to be in this topic.
all the altcoins are good at some point and all of them will turn bad at some point afterwards. you just have to find that time that they are good and get involved then and figure out when they will stop being good and start thinking about taking your profit.
Activity: 50
Merit: 0
Best strategy for me is buying good alts and keeping them until they rise at least 200%. Next question is how to find a good alt, there is couple things on which you need to pay attention, first is community, how active they are, next is in which exchanges you can trade with that coin and how high trading volume is, also take a look their official page and take a look what are their plans for the future. Buy in the beginning while prices are very low, and later you can just think to sell and earn or to wait more, decision in the end is always on you. Good luck my friend, you will need it with trading.
Thanks for the reply, Barbut.

Question is: what is a 'good alt' coin? I see you are from a sportsbook. I myself have developed gambling software and been operational, so I did look at the ICO's for the gambling concepts. I saw something like Wagerr, which basically have nothing, their business plan doesn't make sense for someone that comes from the gambling industry.  They raised over 10 million on vapor-ware.
Then i looked at funtime. Those guys come from and sounds like they gave a nice concept, but again, no demo.  They also wanted to have between 50 million to 125 million in initial market cap, and get about 1/3 to founders which does sound like way to much for something that have yet to produce revenues and in fact a demoable product.  Not to bash those guys; they seem smart and savvy, I just don't like the eval they put on the ico.  I then looked at Golem and Dwave along with IOTA and found them to have very lofty goals, or moonshots. If they pull it off- amazing, but it seems like a long shot; like betting on a 100-1 horse.
But what I have found is so many ICO's are now coming out with an initial market cap that is so high that a multiple on the investment then comes harder. Along with risks of ICO's, I'm honestly having difficulties of finding value in ICO's. I'm a bit conservative (for a cryptocurrency investor/trader).

Activity: 50
Merit: 0
Forget about RSI, MACD, candlestick patterns, etc, these are nonsense. Professional traders use advanced mathematical models: stochastic or deterministic models. You can have a look at how derivatives(like options instruments) are priced under market neutral idea and you will get a feeling about them.

Trust me, I have about 9 years years of experience in trading and like you, I went through that nonsense like RSI and other known technical analysis indicators but they couldn't provide me a real edge.

Yes that's what I noticed. Some old and standard trading strategies are not working good in cryptocurrency trading they are still good in forex and stocks trading.

I did notice some relavance for RSI on the chinese exchanges when trading leveraged futures. But it's more a self-fulfilling prophecy; many trade on rsi, so when it turns, they will sell; hence it becomes self-fulfilling in that sense.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
I usually watch some coins for some days (sometimes it takes more than one week) and then I set a buy limit which I think is very good. It usually takes some days/weeks till it reaches it and buys it. After I bought it I set a sell price (with 10-100% above the buy price, depending on which coin I bought). It takes a lot time & patience, but if you do some very good trades it´s better than a lot bad trades. I think this strategy is only worth it if you have a good budget, for example 1 btc or more per coin. If I buy & sell 5 coins (each 1 btc worth) I can make atleast 0.5 btc profit per month. You can upscale the profit with investing in more coins (do your own research before investing in a coin!) & with a bigger investment per coin. But if you are just a beginner you have to test, test, test!  It´s no guarantee that it will work for everyone, it takes a lot time to figure it out (experience). Never get greedy & never invest in cryptos more than you can afford to lose!
hero member
Activity: 910
Merit: 523
The best strategy maybe different for everyone, I don't know how some people do math to calculate cryptocurrencies prices charts and predict what will happen in the next day/week. But, I know some people who did that and share their investment on some coins which mostly benefited for people in the group. You can learn how some coins are better than others and invest for long term on those coins.
Activity: 86
Merit: 10
Algorithmic Trader
I just spent a while reading about this Medallion fund, and it looks very interesting. It looks too good to be true, which leads me to believe it is not true. A lot of people seem to speculate that Simon's returns may be false and they could be used to lure people into investing in his other funds. There is no proof of those returns anywhere and the fund is so secretive that there is no way to verify anything they claim.

So you think that their returns are not true? They have about 290 employees and 65 Billions AUM as of 2015(I don't have time to search for their latest figures) and if their returns were false, it would be know by now. The thing is that after Madoff case a lot of things changed and I bet that their audit firm has access to their public funds(custodian), so to me everything is legit.
I think that they closed Medallion fund for outside investors and invest only employee money because they hit liquidity problems/slippage.
You can also search for TwoSigma HF which use quant models and are very successful.

I partially agree with your other points but I can't respond to them because you said that Warren B. is the best investor. While I was talking about traders not investors. So we are clearly approaching markets from a different point of view:)
hero member
Activity: 1694
Merit: 502
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
Best strategy for me is buying good alts and keeping them until they rise at least 200%. Next question is how to find a good alt, there is couple things on which you need to pay attention, first is community, how active they are, next is in which exchanges you can trade with that coin and how high trading volume is, also take a look their official page and take a look what are their plans for the future. Buy in the beginning while prices are very low, and later you can just think to sell and earn or to wait more, decision in the end is always on you. Good luck my friend, you will need it with trading.
hero member
Activity: 1246
Merit: 529
CryptoTalk.Org - Get Paid for every Post!
What do you think is the best strategy in identifying the trade in cryptocurrency world. RSI is not that very effective. I also use MACD for normal trading studies. The morning and evening star is a good indicator too.
It is very simple, I but tokens or coins if the price is low and I sell it if the price is high. Patience is the no.1 need. Just wait to time that your token or coins will rise up. This is the best strategy that you can do.

Well you have to first realize that not all coins in low price will have the chance to move up again. If you happen to stumble on a coin that has exhausted its life already, then you're in for a disappointing return. It's nit just buy low sell high sort of thing as we have to also know which coin would provide us with profit and won't die at least. So researching about coins we plan to buy would be very essential
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
I was investing on low btc volume coins in poloniex...i hold RADSCOIN at 0.0021at that time volume at 218BTC volume the price is 0.0024
sr. member
Activity: 1498
Merit: 359
What do you think is the best strategy in identifying the trade in cryptocurrency world. RSI is not that very effective. I also use MACD for normal trading studies. The morning and evening star is a good indicator too.
It is very simple, I but tokens or coins if the price is low and I sell it if the price is high. Patience is the no.1 need. Just wait to time that your token or coins will rise up. This is the best strategy that you can do.
sr. member
Activity: 840
Merit: 252
the best strategy is wait patient ,  sell high buy low ,  sell high buy back again if the price go down you can earn 10% to 20% daily by doing this strategy

I am a short trader so the volume is important. I became impatient when the target price is short of what I expected.
sr. member
Activity: 462
Merit: 260
the best strategy is wait patient ,  sell high buy low ,  sell high buy back again if the price go down you can earn 10% to 20% daily by doing this strategy
hero member
Activity: 2450
Merit: 948 - Truly the best casino ever
Now from what I understand I believe best strategy is to buy bitcoins when there is panic in people and they are selling it and result is a little fall price of bitcoin. Everytime I do things like that, always got profit. In most cases, after people's panic and little fall, bitcoin is rising in one or some week.
Also nothing is as important as controlling your nerves because going deep when you lose is bad usually.
Activity: 50
Merit: 0
What do you think is the best strategy in identifying the trade in cryptocurrency world. RSI is not that very effective. I also use MACD for normal trading studies. The morning and evening star is a good indicator too.

Personally, I trade on a few signals;
1. News cycles. Positive news, like scaling and other stuff. Trumps win. Negative news, for going short is the PBOC hitting the chinese exchanges, which rendered a succesful short.
2. Long term upswings, and looking for signs of resistance (3000 for bitcoin, 400 for etherum) and then estimating that it will lead to a sell-off/profit harnessing. When it comes close to hitting certain key numbers, you often get that happening. If you trade with a bit of a leverage, say 10x and 10% move and you double your money. Risky, yeah, but it does work. Just don't leave trades open and leave the computer for a long time. And be prepared to take a loss if you dabble with high leverages.
3. If you see StochRSI hitting max for a long time, it will just be more and more time for a correction. I look at 4-6 hour charts normally, sometimes 12h-1d.   If you see a 100 EMA (moving average) being much below the current price, it is also a symptom of an overheated market, and a correction can come due. Don't just look on the chart, look on how the depth charts stack up, see the buy/sell volumes to detect a building sell-momentum and then go short.  Once you hit what you think is a bottom, sell your short, and go long. For etherum last week, I had it pegged at hitting 250 before turning. It hit 252, i think it was. Why did  i hose 250? For one, I thought it was going to be a large move, from some artciles on CBS and Cuban being quoted; but also due to the very large upswing all currencies had enjoyed. I thus saw a large profit harnessing come.
The 250 i pegged at the 100 SMA on the 6 hour chart. I use 50 period SMA or EMA for 12-24 hour charts to estimate a bottom.  Scientific? Hardly. Just watch the trades, look at the money flow, and estimate when turns come; either for shorting or going long. 

I mean, guys that have gone long in this environment have done very very well. But you don't want to be the last guy in on a long just before a correction. So when you use leveraged trades; be careful.

Good luck trading!
hero member
Activity: 3080
Merit: 603
Best strategy to use = never read bitcointalk posts , buy low seel high ,is it clear enough for you ?

Why never read posts here? There are a lot of trading experts here and is giving free signals to what crypto currency is going to pump and has the potential to generate profit. Just read those helpful and factual posts and ignore those posts that are just giving traders fear. Because there are times that most of their speculations are good.

There might be some people who are talking nonsense and just hyping some coins with no actual reasons but this forum has members who have years of experience and trustworthy. You just need to be wise what to listen and not that is by examining their post and their supporting details as to why should and why not.

On the other hand, speculation is another thing but if you say it has some logical back ups then we can say it as prediction rather than speculation. Prediction has more solid ground than speculation.

Again, be wise what you will listen and not to.

It's hard to determine those predictions that are legit and will possible to happen. But I have read someone here that did predicted before the drop happened last year. And I never saw him posted his prediction, so the lesson I learned is yes there are some members who has actual experience and trustworthy, just test their posts.
full member
Activity: 266
Merit: 103

I agree with you, using quantitative methods to do long term predictions is... a little bit tricky.
But we are not forced to do long term prediction. This is why when using quant models, the prediction should be made on shorter time frames and taking advantage of smaller market movements. The biggest great side effect of this would be an increased Sharpe ratio(at the expense of higher trading cost).

And regarding inefficient markets: I stick to my view. The more the price is above/below the right price, the more trading opportunities.

The thing is that there is no correct answer, some can make money using fundamentals, others using systematic algos while others use both. So getting back to your initial claim "fundamental information about the asset is much more important/valuable than mathematical models" is wrong because it depends on who you ask: a systematic or a fundamental/value trader? As I showed you above, the mathematical models can generate huge profits.

I just spent a while reading about this Medallion fund, and it looks very interesting. It looks too good to be true, which leads me to believe it is not true. A lot of people seem to speculate that Simon's returns may be false and they could be used to lure people into investing in his other funds. There is no proof of those returns anywhere and the fund is so secretive that there is no way to verify anything they claim.

Anyway, regardless of whether or not the fund's returns are real, I have a few thoughts on the issue:
1. The most successful investor of our time is Warren Buffett, and he is clearly all about the opposite of this - fundamentals beat mathematical analysis. Warren Buffett's success can be verified, whereas Medallion's cannot.

2. The smartest people in CS/AI/Math are not working at hedge funds - they are working either at a company like Google, or their own startups. People who are this good in those fields rarely care about money, and care much more about impacting the world with their research/technology. They mention that a lot of the researchers at Medallion were working on speech recognition and AI at IBM before going to Renaissance - if they were worth their salt, they would have stayed at IBM and made massive strides in AI, generating far more money than they ever could at a hedge fund. By the way, I say this as someone who has worked with many of the smartest people in these fields and who works in CS today.

3. Trading only based on mathematical patterns means that you ignore the real value of the asset, which can change based on things that aren't considered by mathematical models (such as analyst research reports, unfounded rumors, etc). This method will at least lose money sometimes. If a trade based on quant goes in the wrong direction, there is no assurance that it will come back and bring a profit, so you are likely better off exiting your position. With fundamentals, the story is very different. If you determine the intrinsic value of a company to be a certain amount and make a trade based on that information, even if the price moves in the opposite direction of your trade, you can simply double down and increase your profits when it does finally come back to its intrinsic value, which you know with a very high probability that it will. We know that the markets have enough efficiency that asset prices will eventually meet their intrinsic value, even if it takes a little while. Basically, my point is that your chances of losing money are greater if you don't consider fundamentals, whereas not considering technical/mathematical patterns does not mean you will lose money. Even if the trade goes south, you know it will come around eventually if you have done everything right in valuing the asset.

The more the price is above/below the right price, the more trading opportunities.

I agree with this, but only because the markets are efficient enough to eventually correct this. The more inefficient they are, the less likely they can correct something like this, eliminating the opportunity.
hero member
Activity: 1134
Merit: 517
Forget about RSI, MACD, candlestick patterns, etc, these are nonsense. Professional traders use advanced mathematical models: stochastic or deterministic models. You can have a look at how derivatives(like options instruments) are priced under market neutral idea and you will get a feeling about them.

Trust me, I have about 9 years years of experience in trading and like you, I went through that nonsense like RSI and other known technical analysis indicators but they couldn't provide me a real edge.
No they are not nonsense unless you have been trying to make crystal balls out of them of which they can never be. These things are tools to point and facilitate trading decisions a trader ends up making, nothing removes the final decision from the trader, so it is a trader's responsibility to work hard at managing his tools and arriving at trading plans that actually work. 
full member
Activity: 189
Merit: 100
All technical indicators are NONSENSE. They work because people AND bots are using them. If the first book about technical analysis would have sad that when the sky turns red sell sell sell then that would be technical analysis. If enough people start using an indicator it will work. That's all.
Using that logic use the indicators that are most popular. Support and resistance come to mind right away and seems to work everywhere.
The usefulness of the other indicators depends on the market, but once again only because people are using them more in those markets.
The best strategy is to wait until the price drops. Wait some more until it stabilizes on a certain level. Then buy, but use only a part of your capital and add more as the price moves favorably.
At least this worked for me before.

full member
Activity: 490
Merit: 100
My trading strategies are, follow the particular coin in twitter and other forum and media sites, check their latest development, check the background of the developers, check the opinions of the known reviewers, aearch trending coins at the moment ans tap a little bit on charts, this is not a giarantee but i made profits because of this as a short/trend trader,
You just gotta spend sometime in front of you pc

hero member
Activity: 1034
Merit: 558
Have a look at japanese candlestics analysis and their basic patterns. thats something i can tell is somewhat useful. + learn about support and resistance (including channels, fibonacci retracement, also some longer term moving averages can serve as minor support/res)
 forget about fancy indicators they are mostly results of various formulas based on past prices.
hero member
Activity: 2912
Merit: 541
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
What do you think is the best strategy in identifying the trade in cryptocurrency world. RSI is not that very effective. I also use MACD for normal trading studies. The morning and evening star is a good indicator too.

i think its depend on what you trade, bitcoin pair fiat or bitcoin pair altcoin. if bitcoin pair fiat, then i think you can not use RSI, MACD, or else and maybe you can use forex signals because when i see on my friends setting, he uses forex signals and i think he can make predictions on when the price is up or down.

but for bitcoin pair altcoin, i think RSI, MACD is useful for you but you need to learn to make prediction because its need some skills to understand the charts.
Activity: 86
Merit: 10
Algorithmic Trader
Forget about RSI, MACD, candlestick patterns, etc, these are nonsense. Professional traders use advanced mathematical models: stochastic or deterministic models. You can have a look at how derivatives(like options instruments) are priced under market neutral idea and you will get a feeling about them.

Trust me, I have about 9 years years of experience in trading and like you, I went through that nonsense like RSI and other known technical analysis indicators but they couldn't provide me a real edge.

I mostly agree with this but in most types of trading (outside of crypto currency) fundamental information about the asset is much more important/valuable than mathematical models or technical analysis. With bitcoin, however, the market is extremely inefficient so both methods really aren't very reliable. The best way to trade bitcoin is to look at its fundamental value and decide whether or not you think it will rise or fall long term (like 10+ years out), and make decisions based on that. You can trade around your position using technical info, but your best bet is to hold long term if you are bullish.

Almost nobody is going to beat the crypto market over a long period of time by making frequent trades based on either technical or fundamental data.

No, it really depends. Outside crypto markets, for big quantitative hedge funds(Renaissance technologies for example), mathematical models are actually their thing, they don't rely too much on macro/fundamental data and let's not forget that in the last decade or so they managed to gain in average around 45% after fees every year using mathematical models. They also had 3 different years with over +80% rate of return! This is huge, given that other funds are really happy with a +25% YoY. I don't know exactly how much risk did the Ren Tec took to get this returns, but given that they are managing billions of dollars, I would say that they know how to do proper risk management.
So no, neither one is more important than the other.

The funny thing is that outside crypto market I'm also a fundamental trader beside a systematic trader.

In my opinion, the so called "fundamental" data in crypto market is still at the beginning. Almost everything is centered around hype news and other exaggerated information. That's why I'm approaching the crypto market more from a systematic point of view(I'm programming my algorithms to take into account only time series prices).

Regarding "With bitcoin, however, the market is extremely inefficient so both methods really aren't very reliable."
actually we the traders want inefficient markets, don't we?Smiley

All the best.

Sorry but I don't believe this for a second. Please show a link with proof. The very best ETFs over the past 20 years average barely over 20% return, and those are the ones in tech... they still didn't really outperform the tech industry by all that much. I would be more inclined to believe that some smaller hedge funds in the tens or hundreds of millions may have gotten a 45% or 80% return a few years, but certainly not average over a long period of time. The best average return I've heard of for hedge funds is around 30%. I would be curious to know what the average deviation from that number is though, because that can affect overall return greatly. If you lose 50% and then gain 50%, your average return is 0% but you're overall change is -25% over those two years.

As someone who has done a lot of work with very complicated mathematical/AI models for price forecasting, I don't believe that they outperform people analyzing fundamental data on any time scale longer than a few days... and the most successful investors make money over months or years, not days.

And no, we don't want inefficient markets. We want markets that are relatively efficient but not 100%... enough that there will be disparities between price and value, but we can rely on them disappearing quickly.

Sure, here is the proof. I'm with you, I couldn't believe these figures either, what is your opinion on them?

No no, but I didn't mentioned anything about ETF, I was talking only about hedge funds. Why are you trying to compare them? ETFs are used to gain exposure on certain markets, while hedge funds are a different beast, they are active players.

"...I don't believe that they outperform people analyzing fundamental data on any time scale longer than a few days... and the most successful inve..."

I agree with you, using quantitative methods to do long term predictions is... a little bit tricky.
But we are not forced to do long term prediction. This is why when using quant models, the prediction should be made on shorter time frames and taking advantage of smaller market movements. The biggest great side effect of this would be an increased Sharpe ratio(at the expense of higher trading cost).

And regarding inefficient markets: I stick to my view. The more the price is above/below the right price, the more trading opportunities.

The thing is that there is no correct answer, some can make money using fundamentals, others using systematic algos while others use both. So getting back to your initial claim "fundamental information about the asset is much more important/valuable than mathematical models" is wrong because it depends on who you ask: a systematic or a fundamental/value trader? As I showed you above, the mathematical models can generate huge profits.
sr. member
Activity: 585
Merit: 250
Let us forget all the indicators we know about trading, the best trading tool is the fibonacci and elliot wave because they capture the thread when it begins and tell you when it ends.

You can also do well with candle stick patterns.
full member
Activity: 266
Merit: 103
Forget about RSI, MACD, candlestick patterns, etc, these are nonsense. Professional traders use advanced mathematical models: stochastic or deterministic models. You can have a look at how derivatives(like options instruments) are priced under market neutral idea and you will get a feeling about them.

Trust me, I have about 9 years years of experience in trading and like you, I went through that nonsense like RSI and other known technical analysis indicators but they couldn't provide me a real edge.

I mostly agree with this but in most types of trading (outside of crypto currency) fundamental information about the asset is much more important/valuable than mathematical models or technical analysis. With bitcoin, however, the market is extremely inefficient so both methods really aren't very reliable. The best way to trade bitcoin is to look at its fundamental value and decide whether or not you think it will rise or fall long term (like 10+ years out), and make decisions based on that. You can trade around your position using technical info, but your best bet is to hold long term if you are bullish.

Almost nobody is going to beat the crypto market over a long period of time by making frequent trades based on either technical or fundamental data.

No, it really depends. Outside crypto markets, for big quantitative hedge funds(Renaissance technologies for example), mathematical models are actually their thing, they don't rely too much on macro/fundamental data and let's not forget that in the last decade or so they managed to gain in average around 45% after fees every year using mathematical models. They also had 3 different years with over +80% rate of return! This is huge, given that other funds are really happy with a +25% YoY. I don't know exactly how much risk did the Ren Tec took to get this returns, but given that they are managing billions of dollars, I would say that they know how to do proper risk management.
So no, neither one is more important than the other.

The funny thing is that outside crypto market I'm also a fundamental trader beside a systematic trader.

In my opinion, the so called "fundamental" data in crypto market is still at the beginning. Almost everything is centered around hype news and other exaggerated information. That's why I'm approaching the crypto market more from a systematic point of view(I'm programming my algorithms to take into account only time series prices).

Regarding "With bitcoin, however, the market is extremely inefficient so both methods really aren't very reliable."
actually we the traders want inefficient markets, don't we?Smiley

All the best.

Sorry but I don't believe this for a second. Please show a link with proof. The very best ETFs over the past 20 years average barely over 20% return, and those are the ones in tech... they still didn't really outperform the tech industry by all that much. I would be more inclined to believe that some smaller hedge funds in the tens or hundreds of millions may have gotten a 45% or 80% return a few years, but certainly not average over a long period of time. The best average return I've heard of for hedge funds is around 30%. I would be curious to know what the average deviation from that number is though, because that can affect overall return greatly. If you lose 50% and then gain 50%, your average return is 0% but you're overall change is -25% over those two years.

As someone who has done a lot of work with very complicated mathematical/AI models for price forecasting, I don't believe that they outperform people analyzing fundamental data on any time scale longer than a few days... and the most successful investors make money over months or years, not days.

And no, we don't want inefficient markets. We want markets that are relatively efficient but not 100%... enough that there will be disparities between price and value, but we can rely on them disappearing quickly.
hero member
Activity: 994
Merit: 507
Best strategy to use = never read bitcointalk posts , buy low seel high ,is it clear enough for you ?

Why never read posts here? There are a lot of trading experts here and is giving free signals to what crypto currency is going to pump and has the potential to generate profit. Just read those helpful and factual posts and ignore those posts that are just giving traders fear. Because there are times that most of their speculations are good.

There might be some people who are talking nonsense and just hyping some coins with no actual reasons but this forum has members who have years of experience and trustworthy. You just need to be wise what to listen and not that is by examining their post and their supporting details as to why should and why not.

On the other hand, speculation is another thing but if you say it has some logical back ups then we can say it as prediction rather than speculation. Prediction has more solid ground than speculation.

Again, be wise what you will listen and not to.
hero member
Activity: 3080
Merit: 603
Best strategy to use = never read bitcointalk posts , buy low seel high ,is it clear enough for you ?

Why never read posts here? There are a lot of trading experts here and is giving free signals to what crypto currency is going to pump and has the potential to generate profit. Just read those helpful and factual posts and ignore those posts that are just giving traders fear. Because there are times that most of their speculations are good.
hero member
Activity: 493
Merit: 504
Best strategy to use = never read bitcointalk posts , buy low seel high ,is it clear enough for you ?
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
I must admit I have no experience in forex trading and have only been learning to trade cryptos since last year. I started with a trading class and following some mentors, till I finally stepped into active trading. Untill now I'm really doing very well and I've never had a serious losing period. So I can only say which strategy for identifying a trade worked for me so far:

Look for coins that are already in a longer consolidation period after the last pump and get in at the first sign of a serious breakout. Otherwise you could also wait another weeks till something happens. Additionally some positive news about the coin are of course ideal. This strategy worked very well for me so far.

The indicators I use in combination are
- Fibs
- resistance/support levels
- Ichimoku cloud
- trendlines
- higher timeframe picture
- As it's hard to have an eye on all possible coins, collaborations with other people are crucial

I started a forex course for a couple of hours because I was thinking I need to learn the basics of trading generally, but also had the impression that you can't compare those markets so much.. Still I found it very interesting.
sr. member
Activity: 2730
Merit: 403
Compare rates on different exchanges & swap.
* Research
* Find valuable coins
* Buy Low
* Sell high
* Research for Coins that are about to be pumped.
* Check the volume to confirm it will be pumped
* Buy and Sell high
Activity: 86
Merit: 10
Algorithmic Trader
Forget about RSI, MACD, candlestick patterns, etc, these are nonsense. Professional traders use advanced mathematical models: stochastic or deterministic models. You can have a look at how derivatives(like options instruments) are priced under market neutral idea and you will get a feeling about them.

Trust me, I have about 9 years years of experience in trading and like you, I went through that nonsense like RSI and other known technical analysis indicators but they couldn't provide me a real edge.

I mostly agree with this but in most types of trading (outside of crypto currency) fundamental information about the asset is much more important/valuable than mathematical models or technical analysis. With bitcoin, however, the market is extremely inefficient so both methods really aren't very reliable. The best way to trade bitcoin is to look at its fundamental value and decide whether or not you think it will rise or fall long term (like 10+ years out), and make decisions based on that. You can trade around your position using technical info, but your best bet is to hold long term if you are bullish.

Almost nobody is going to beat the crypto market over a long period of time by making frequent trades based on either technical or fundamental data.

No, it really depends. Outside crypto markets, for big quantitative hedge funds(Renaissance technologies for example), mathematical models are actually their thing, they don't rely too much on macro/fundamental data and let's not forget that in the last decade or so they managed to gain in average around 45% after fees every year using mathematical models. They also had 3 different years with over +80% rate of return! This is huge, given that other funds are really happy with a +25% YoY. I don't know exactly how much risk did the Ren Tec took to get this returns, but given that they are managing billions of dollars, I would say that they know how to do proper risk management.
So no, neither one is more important than the other.

The funny thing is that outside crypto market I'm also a fundamental trader beside a systematic trader.

In my opinion, the so called "fundamental" data in crypto market is still at the beginning. Almost everything is centered around hype news and other exaggerated information. That's why I'm approaching the crypto market more from a systematic point of view(I'm programming my algorithms to take into account only time series prices).

Regarding "With bitcoin, however, the market is extremely inefficient so both methods really aren't very reliable."
actually we the traders want inefficient markets, don't we?Smiley

All the best.
full member
Activity: 266
Merit: 103
Forget about RSI, MACD, candlestick patterns, etc, these are nonsense. Professional traders use advanced mathematical models: stochastic or deterministic models. You can have a look at how derivatives(like options instruments) are priced under market neutral idea and you will get a feeling about them.

Trust me, I have about 9 years years of experience in trading and like you, I went through that nonsense like RSI and other known technical analysis indicators but they couldn't provide me a real edge.

I mostly agree with this but in most types of trading (outside of crypto currency) fundamental information about the asset is much more important/valuable than mathematical models or technical analysis. With bitcoin, however, the market is extremely inefficient so both methods really aren't very reliable. The best way to trade bitcoin is to look at its fundamental value and decide whether or not you think it will rise or fall long term (like 10+ years out), and make decisions based on that. You can trade around your position using technical info, but your best bet is to hold long term if you are bullish.

Almost nobody is going to beat the crypto market over a long period of time by making frequent trades based on either technical or fundamental data.
sr. member
Activity: 840
Merit: 252
Forget about RSI, MACD, candlestick patterns, etc, these are nonsense. Professional traders use advanced mathematical models: stochastic or deterministic models. You can have a look at how derivatives(like options instruments) are priced under market neutral idea and you will get a feeling about them.

Trust me, I have about 9 years years of experience in trading and like you, I went through that nonsense like RSI and other known technical analysis indicators but they couldn't provide me a real edge.

Yes that's what I noticed. Some old and standard trading strategies are not working good in cryptocurrency trading they are still good in forex and stocks trading.
Activity: 84
Merit: 0
agree, volatility its xtreme in this market, many trading tools i was using in forex are not making sense anymore for this thing lol

as low sigma, i think experience and "gut",

so to speak: skills to smell the good cup of coffee

sr. member
Activity: 882
Merit: 269
What do you think is the best strategy in identifying the trade in cryptocurrency world. RSI is not that very effective. I also use MACD for normal trading studies. The morning and evening star is a good indicator too.
I used all my forex trading strategy that I have been using for about five years now in crypto currencies trading.I think there is much different between forex trading and crypto currencies except intelligence and volatility. I still use pin bar, fundamental analysis and bolligoband.
Activity: 86
Merit: 10
Algorithmic Trader
Forget about RSI, MACD, candlestick patterns, etc, these are nonsense. Professional traders use advanced mathematical models: stochastic or deterministic models. You can have a look at how derivatives(like options instruments) are priced under market neutral idea and you will get a feeling about them.

Trust me, I have about 9 years years of experience in trading and like you, I went through that nonsense like RSI and other known technical analysis indicators but they couldn't provide me a real edge.
sr. member
Activity: 840
Merit: 252
What do you think is the best strategy in identifying the trade in cryptocurrency world. RSI is not that very effective. I also use MACD for normal trading studies. The morning and evening star is a good indicator too.
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