It will look like this:
# Anyone who can read this file can spend your bitcoin.
# Format:
# The Base58 encoded private keys are the same format as
# produced by the Satoshi client/ sipa dumpprivkey utility.
# Key createdAt is in UTC format as specified by ISO 8601
# e.g: 2011-12-31T16:42:00Z . The century, 'T' and 'Z' are mandatory
L5gveWnEvSkCtTN-snip-DjWM2TEq9RDNUTMd6PCTieAKFeC 2014-06-06T13:01:13Z
L1b67i486f5v-snip-ZB6E1maqurp7k8VxA7rvE 2014-06-06T13:01:13Z
L1TqqP7BjTZRS3-snip-yAYPcwXRUcT7qmzbqpAGWN 2014-06-06T13:01:13Z
L4b7YkkR9mH-snip-SYgWCy6GSUZHbnCBFuF9tvAhTMeCq 2014-06-06T13:01:13Z
Kwrne6dji7ku-snip-PDDw3dP3UUDrnwPLbCHgzMsx 2014-06-06T13:01:13Z
KyMwnzMxz5-snip-E3AsFgy4cqxfMjdijACzSPRjb 2014-06-06T13:01:13Z
# End of private keys
This is a testwallet I just made. As you can see it gives you a list of the private keys. You can now take each of these keys and import them one by one into bitcoin core.
Aaand I have to make sure not to use these keys ever
Muhammed Zakhir