Im newbie, This is my very first to try to send Bitcoins
Im going to send bitcoins to Bitmain, and i saw the name "LABEL" on the Bitcoin core?
what im gonna put on the Label?
i know i double post about this Label. I will delete this after i got the Answer!
Thanks advance and God Bless!!!!!
Put whatever you want on the label. It is simply a note to yourself to remind you what the transaction was for. Nobody else sees the label. The label isn't sent anywhere. It is just stored in your wallet for your own purposes.
You posted this in two different places. Please don't do that in the future. Please lock all 3 threads now that you have an answer so that they aren't constantly bumped to the top of the unread posts list by useless posts.
Thanks for the REPLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you so much. sorry for opening 2 threads i was needing answer asap i will not do that again. Thanks again! :* . Will lock this thread now