I suggest you try again, replacing the hyperbole with rational statements.
il do parklane a favour and explain things
FIAT money does not have TRUE value((intrinsic) based on cost of creation). they literally print it for nothing. it however has value applied by such laws of taxation, minimum wage that then sets a notion of value
fiat has no intrinsic value. it has extrinsic value
extrinsic: "Extrinsic value is also the portion of the worth that has been assigned to an option by factors other than the underlying asset's cost"
bitcoin has intrinsic value because of the underlying PoW cost of creation setting the "bottom" benchmark no one wants to sell below and gets tested by the markets often
bitcoins PRICE is not "value" bitcoins price sits above value. as a separate measure.. much like the difference between wholesale vs retail
when bitcoin dips. it gets closer to its underlying value, but when it cant go any lower, its testing the underlying value bottom support
FIAT however does not base value on some underlying intrinsic cost. it instead relies on taxation, min wage laws to speculate an expected exchange of value based on sentiment of worth based on someones labour, which is fixed by min wage laws. not actual cost of creation
FIAT is literally created/printed without a cost
Yes i agree with you it's always pleasure to read smart talk