TalkingAntColony, malevolent and scintill; thank you very much - for a person who can only read source code to a rudimentary level these answers are very concise. Much appreciated.
A further question: if a 2-of-20 transaction was split up amongst 18 escrow (I assume 18 as two parties are transacting) and one of the two parties gained access to all 18 escrow's private-part-keys, without knowing the order the 2-of-20 transaction was signed in by the escrows: would the party with the part-private-keys be able to infer the order those keys needed to be reassembled in or would they have to try all the possible combinations?
Your wording seems to indicate you don't understand the concept of n of m.
1) There are no "part-private-keys. A 2 of 20 setup means there are 20 valid private keys.
2) In a 2 of 20 setup there is no concept of order. One just needs to sign a transaction with ANY 2 of the 20 VALID private keys to produce a valid transaction.
There is reassembled of private keys.
For example a "standard" transaction is a 1 of 1 transaction. There is one private key. The transaction must be signed by the one private key to be valid.
In a 1 of 2 transaciton there are 2 valid (unique and independent) private keys. The transaction is valid if it is signed by ANY ONE of the TWO valid keys.
In a 10 of 10 transaction there are 10 valid (unique and independent) private keys. The transaction is valid if it is signed by ALL TENS of the TEN valid keys.