bash is the debian / ubuntu and other major linux distribution command line interface, all system and application commands are executed through the shell.
for ex ./ launches a script.
You can pipe/ manipulate in/output in bash , for example using sed, awk or grep or inbuilt options see for example:
You also can automate almost any system task using shell scripts
May read this
Good script,
*nix still "the system" since Thursday, 1 January 1970, according my time-travel colleges John T, Barry Allen, et al .. Yes the cool thing about UTCnix pipe-lining is that you can concatenation of commands using the ascII symbol
| For instance sometimes I want to generate a one-time password-nonce in order to no be so obvious across various websites ..
so I can go using
date +%s.%N | sha256sum | base64 | head -c 32 ; echo
hope it can be useful.
ps->Sure sky is the limit if you have a huge imagination