the above quote was meant to be a joke. the accumulated btc you'll be giving away will be much much much much higher than what you can get with your reputation.
You would be surprised how many benefits come with being trusted. Just be honest all of the time and keep a level head when things get crazy here. It takes years to build up a good reputation and only one bad move to ruin it.
I can only agree with the last part, it takes only one bad move to become public to ruin your trust. But it takes (probably far) less than a year to get a good reputation (on a new alt account). This is what con men do. They're good at gaining trust.
Depends on what you define as a "good reputation". Not a chance I would send first to someone without years of trust built up here. It took over a year before I no longer had people ask to escrow when trading with me. Everyone will have different views on what is trusted and what is not though.
Does this qualify as sending first:
Because Quickseller registered on July 22, 2014, 05:51:40 AM. Not what I would call "years of trust".
QS was a special case due to how much effort he put into the forums.
Fair enough. Obviously the person behind the QuickSeller account was very familiar with the forum before they started using that alias. It's fairly safe to assume they have at least one other account on here that is isolated from the whole drama about the QuickSeller account and its known alts. That account is most likely still here and well trusted.
I picked them as example because admittedly I do not have other concrete examples of accounts that managed to gain trust as effectively. The issue I have with this is that a knowledgeable person could create an alt, get it trusted and be in a position to pull off some scam in about 6 months. Sure, it will require effort but the whole building up trust thing is exactly what con men are about.
To bring it back to topic, the trust system on this forum is an attempt to quantify how trusted any given member is based on feedback given by those in your trust list.