Last day, I was yawning hard and felt a tingling spiky pain around my general heart area. My left hand was slightly fidgety and was kinda paining, but not like BAM IT HURTS!! more like a mild migraine (for the lack of a better term) around my biceps and elbow. It's still there.
It could possibly be gas. Hey I'm Indian we breathe spices.
Or a sleeping posture issue.
But if any of you here have been through the real thing, feel free to share your experience.
PS: Not related to Bitcoin price drop.
You may be having a heart attack if you feel: Pain, pressure, or squeezing in your chest, particularly a little to the left side. Pain or pressure in your upper body like your neck, jawline, back, stomach, or in one or both of your arms (especially your left) Shortness of breath