In the same way; man should try his best to move forward. Moving forward does not only mean earning more and more wealth. We may progress even by gaining more and more knowledge about the field of our taste; like; interest. It may be music; dancing; atheletics; yoga; science; forestry etc. etc. And more importantly as the subject raised by you about getting promotion to next higher ranks.
Previously getting promotion in bitcoin forum was automatic i.e. with the passage of time and your posts you will get definite promotion to next higher rank. So everybody was becoming a leader irrespective of the fact that he deserves to be ranked up or not. But now you must have to acquire knowledge about the forum; help others; post quality posts. Only then you will get higher rank.
If one gets promotion by acquiring more and more knowledge; I think there is nothing wrong in it. The other issue depends on person to person. Some persons after getting power become more polite but on the other hand there may be many who be feeling himself stucked up snooty.
So it differs person to person. But all should try to move up; though I see it is very difficult; I could earn just 3 merits and have to require 7 more for next position