What did you buy with your altcoin(s)?
EDIt: I did pay for the seeds online with litecoins. I did not change the coins to bitcoins. The Payment processor probably does, because in the end most shops
probably want CASh (In this stadium of digital coins)
It was at https://fairdinkumseeds.com/
Also been looking into buying gold/silver with Altcoins, but only found one online shop yet. Some had Altcoins payment options , but seem to have withdrawn them. Only option is bitcoin.
Would be better if there was an universal Coin Payment Processor.
Edit2 : Payment processor seems to be: https://gourl.io
In my country the dealers for the online selling or offline selling the goods with bitcoin litecoin or any other altcoin are now available , everyone are ready to make offline deals with the cash only .
Totally bad thing for me that I am living in that country where people do not want to grow digitally .
Here you are really lucky to find those person who can make deals with the litecoin directly .
I hope in the incoming years of 2-3 year , the future will be totally opposite to the current and everyone will make deals online and payments also will made through online wallet .