Bitcoin has progressed into a thriving currency and has touched almost every industry in some way or another but what services would you like to see accepting Bitcoin? This thread has two reasons for being made first to see what services the Bitcoin users are looking for but also to expose certain services which already exist but the majority of people are not aware of.
If bitcoin can be used I say, I like bitcoin to be accepted in various stuff like entertainment, wellness center and food industry.
Entertainment that is widely used in social media such as movies, some retail malls and shopping malls have movie cinema right? I like bitcoin to be accepted for payment in this, well I love movies so If my bitcoins will be accepted for payment with this then its good. Also, its also nice to have some wellness center or spa that accept bitcoin, though it could be hard to implement globally at least have some.
Food industry is the most I wanted it to be accepted. I know many restaurant around the globe started to accept it but its only few, hoping it could be more establishment in the future so it would be convenient also for crypto enthusiasts. Also for other coins if applicable.