I've been running a BitCoin Faucet for a few months now. More recently started an exact clone of the Faucet for ByteCoin//BTE
www.BitHits.info &
www.ByteHits.info are the Faucets.
That said. I've noticed a plethora of HUGE show stopping issues with the current implementation of BitCoin. Seeing as everyone and their grandmother is making AltCoins these days. I propose an AltCoin that encompasses the following features.
-TX Fee system proportionate to the amount of coins sent! NEVER to be more then 100% of the coins sent. And NEVER something ridiculous like the 200% to 5000% fees that exist currently in BitCoin. (I can cite examples if you dont believe the fees are that retarded)
While I agree with you here, txn fee is not based of actual coins send, but rather on the amount of space you use in the blockchain.
-Priority system based on Input Value and TX Size. Age of coins should not factor. Confirmed to a point yes, With Confirms lower then a set amount a slightly higher fee.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know, this is how bitcoin currently works. (the only thing they add in their priority, is TX Fee size)
-BlockChain stored locally in files no larger then 200MB - the 2GB files that are currently used tend to bog down systems with lower memory. And will make running dedicated instances of *coind much easier.
Would be lol to create a new coin, just for this
-Ability to send 0fee TX or minuscule tx fees for widely confirmed coins above a certain input value. Again age not a factor. Just amount of confirms.
Please do this and I'll make sure your blockchain is at least 2GB large at the end of day 1
-Clients/Miners must accept ALL transactions it sees, within reason. So long as it is a valid transaction and adheres to the rules set. The option to 'exclude any transaction that is valid because I'm not getting a cut' should not exist. This is exclusionary and does not give back to the health of the network.
Once again, please do this and watch me DDoS the shit out of your coin. (plus I'm really wondering who is going to secure the network if there is no incentive to mine after all coins are mined)
-Very high coin circulation. Its hard to adopt what you dont have. 3.5 Billion coins seems good. More then enough should the coin become global and widely adopted.
Start thinking in Satoshi's instead of full Bitcoin and your problem is solved... (whether any cryptocoin is thousand, million, billion or trillion, it doesn't matter as its still the same number, just with more or less 0's in front or behind it)
-Quick coin distribution, Maybe a 1000 and 500 bonus early on for early adopters. 200 per block the normal rate. Reduced by 20 coins per year.
Please show me the math to calculate this, I'm very interested! (and hitting 3.5 billion coins)
If someone makes such a coin -
I will provide a domain and hosting for it! E-Mail
[email protected] if you want to collaborate on this project. Of course reply here first
I'll even chuck in a Litecoin to see this developed, is going to give me a couple weeks up to a month of fun