I dunno. It kinda looks like Bitcoin is awakening.
It sure looks like it
what makes you think that?
sounds to me like you guys need your eyes checked...
Adam, you should visit Press subforum, I don't know how you can't see what is happening out there in relation to Bitcoin.
here, i'll put some cliff notes for you what's going on recently: US and UK politicians discussing alt currencies mentioning Bitcoin in their respective capitals, VC initiates Bitcoin discussion on his blog, SR and Bitcoinica on mainstream internet media. Hell, even us-cert.gov & nist.gov released bitcoin vulnerability warning on their sites, yes it's for an outdated version, but nonetheless even they're keeping tabs on Bitcoin out of all places lol. There is a rather large exposure of bitcoin to diverse circles of people out there, with no hype, people just talk more about it everywhere and many starting to take Bitcoin seriously.
I think you can't accept it due to fact that with each passing day we are drifting further away from your buy-in target point. you didn't listen to anyone before we hit $10 and you still refuse to listen hoping a correction will come any moment now.
Now, tell me what am i missing that doesn't allow me to see time for correction due atm or soon?