I ve access to a computer which has Nvidia Quadro K4200 GPU. What would you recommend to mine if you had free electricity? Please note that I have only this system and I am unable add/modifiy the system. If your only choice was this box with Nvidia Quadro K4200 what would your choice be? Thank you for your answers.
can't find it on nvidia website: they have 420 or 2200
edit: ok found it, it is a kepler...(gk104 same as the 770) so apparently it would be compute 3.0
it should probably have the same performance as the 750ti
To be more specific what would you recommend to mine?
I think that many of the current algos are developed for compute 3.5 and higher (ie 780 and newer cards)
However I think someone released a version of lyra2reV2 which should work with compute 3.0 either Pallas, or Schleisser (?) you need to check the standard nvidia mining threads