Lets break this down...
Who cares who made TrueCrypt? We've got the source, and many independent programmers have looked at it.
Who are these independent programmers, have you ever heard or seen anyone build or compile it from source? The compiler they use to build the source code, it isn't release.
Same question about Bitcoin. Where is the author? Who is he? Where in the World is Satoshi Nakamoto? Is that a new game?
Currently Satoshi Nakamoto isn't the lead programmer on bitcoin, it is Gavin and he is very public.
People who make stuff like this like to disappear, but they leave the source code so others can continue the work that was started.
Please show your sources...
I like TrueCrypt and use it. FBI couldn't get Daniel Dantas on it, and some other news about hackers using encryption (hinting the use of TrueCrypt).
No one question the encryption, the algos for the encryptions are all known and been tested, outside of true crypt.
Thank you for playing, you don't have any information.