The US producing money, accumulating debt, and exporting inflation is significant, right? As the world's reserve currency, the dollar has long been unique to the US. What happens when more nations abandon the dollar? As you noted, exported inflation could return to the US, raising prices and possibly causing a recession. A tricky balance, right? Managing the economic effects of such transformations demands a strong and flexible economic strategy. How will the US and others handle global economic changes? Only time and policy will tell.
Abandoning dollar is the definition of the New World Order. Each time the World Order changes, there will be a lot of "chaos" in the world. In other words it is expected in all aspects including economy, energy, food, security, etc. Many countries were already prepared for it, some got prepared for it over the past year and a handful will continue to remain unprepared.
How will they handle this significant global change?
How each country will handle it depends on the countries considering their preparedness, their people, their strengths and weaknesses, their infrastructure, most important of all their resources and their relations (which side they stand with).
For example both Pakistan and Germany have been facing an energy crisis over the past 1.5 years but the effects and how they handle things are vastly different!
India is another vastly different situation as they are transitioning into China's role as a massive "production factory" and has been setting record high economic growths despite being an energy importer too.
Iran is another example but as an energy exporter that despite being in the midst of the longest and largest cold war in history, has the most battle hardened economy and despite all this has been setting record high economic growths from 5% last year to the 7.9% from the first quarter of this year (that is Spring).
As for US itself, they too have plans to prevent
hyper super-ultra inflation inside United States as the world dumps the dollar. I haven't done extensive research to fully explain it, just read some articles here and there. For example one way is the laws they have that would practically "block" the dollars from coming back to US mainland! Basically turning any dollar outside of US soil into garbage to keep the "domestic supply" low.