ups n downs, the usual.
but seriously... there could be a dip in value at some point in the near future, maybe down to around $600, but this will depend on the political world, the ups and downs we see at the moment are more likely caused by volume trades and not by any 'actual' news on the BTC marketplace. remember it's a new toy for traders, and will take a good while to balance.
My take on the current situation... bitcoin prices have begun to be led by political bias, (the reason it went up in the first place) which is a bad thing - when it gets slated, but of course, a good thing when it is good news. IN honesty, no-one knows, it's like any stock on the exchanges, ups n downs... one thing i can be sure of, it won't crash.
perhaps $600, then back up to a steady $900... if you are holding bitcoins and intend to sell, don't be put off by scare stories in the media, stick by your guns and never sell low.