I thought about this because I have seen sceneros where conventional traders regrets why they didn't over charged their customers on certain stocks due to the stock price has increased or it has been a product of treasures (scarcity).
It is just funny and tussling to think about how Bitcoin holders would be arguing of their stocked Bitcoins that " I have an original and reliable Bitcoin that is more authentic than the others do, I would sell mine at $100K others wailing to sell at $89K, $50K $30K, $95K, $20K practically based on individual influences in the Bitcoin marketing industry just like the normal stock markets.
I was just wondering if Bitcoin would still portray potential values of trusts and reputable goals of interest.
Besides just as there are people that wished they had sold their bitcoin for a higher price, there are many other people that bought at a bad moment and wish they had not done so, so there is not point on regretting selling for a price that was too low since there is nothing you can do anyway.