New account but long time reader just too lazy to write(+ i agree whit most opinions already written in topic).
So.... what's next? Current bitcoin is undisputed leader and remains so due to it's adoption and stability, but is lot of chaos and i think people not really see it as a currency therefore having desire to spend it and see it in shops or e-commerce.
Too many topics "i spent all my money on bitcoin and bury under my fountain now im broke
will hold for 2000 years and hope to be rich unti i become a fosile". Is this safe? Will this maintain bitcoin a true secure currency whit people to invest in it and therefore to be seen on the street in real shops?
I don't think all this altcoins are good at all, is just confusing for a newbie and when we talk money the word scam should not be seen at all near it but here it is full. Everyone want to catch the freaking train which left the station long time ago and not coming back
Bitcoin is best thing happen in long time, because old e currency like e-gold or liberty reserve were never safe due to all being centralized thus they failed so hard even they did same thing as bitcoin probably beter since they were so stable 1/1 ratio or gold backed.
Will btc be used to it's true potential or is this the test for something mutch beter to come?