Do you know any loan mostly beneficial for the borrower?
He just told you, are you blind?
What is this nonsense that you are saying? Do you even know how leverage works on exchangers?
It's clear that you are trying to play it dumb and you keep "asking" the same foolish questions.
So answer first these questions to your head and you will get all the answers that you really need to know.
Did you ever go to a bank and ask them to give you money without anything to cover them?
Did you ever hear anyone getting a loan without giving something more valuable than the loan amount that he asks?
If you don't understand then why you came here and ask for a loan and you continue to keep asking?
Did you go to a doctor to check if you have a brain dysfunction?
Like 8 years ago I went in bank in one of the anglo Saxon Country English speaking bank.
They gave me without any collateral loan
And credit card with 2000$ limit to spend how I Want
So your bank example is not correct Here rules are different everywhere!!