however you forgot some other things
1. which transactions pool decided to include. he could have his own rules like eligius has. Also, how exactly would you determine the correct order?
2. you want to replace the wallet public key to receive reward with your own, correct? but that would change the transaction that gives out the reward (yes it's also in the block, along with all the regular transactions, surprised?) and hence the merkle root. you can't submit any results generated for different merkle root than you was given by the pool! pool would ignore them even if they constitute a share for YOUR merkle since it would not even know what merkle root you had in mind, and if it did, it would not know which transactions you had in mind - in fact, the fact that he does not remember giving away your new merkle root is enough for your cunning plan to fail.
Ah ok, didn't think about the blockreward-transaction. Thx for your answer