Bought some btc miners(s19 95T) and gups in the last bull market before. Now it is relatively difficult to bring the return to capital in this bear market . Maybe I should not have bought at high prices in the bull market before, so I think it is a reasonable choice to buy machines in the bear market instead, but what is the specific time for the relative price dip for the crypto miners? If it's the time, when there is no profit generated for the miners which is considered to be the current time period?
Always buy cheap sell high. That's the first rule of any trade.
If you think the miners are cheap now then it might be a good time to enter that business. However, miners are cheap for a reason: They ain't making money. If they printing money, nobody would sell them for cheap.
Do you know why miners are selling for cheap? It is because crypto is cheap.
If you think miners are cheap and later in the future they will make money... why don't you just buy crypto while it is cheap and sell them for a higher price when they are expensive?
Right, in the last bull market, I shouldn't have sold the equipment and then used the same funds to buy some looks higher-profiled miners. I feel that I can be more risk-resistant in a bear market. In fact, it seems that in a bear market, no miners will earn money, this is the correct time to buy machines or coins.