I've run across his videos and I like them....
I have to say that many of the things he talks about seem true
I need to further investigate him until I can trust him though.
Let's hope that there is no WWIII and no global economic collapse (although I come from a country that has already collapsed (Greece))
What bugs me the most is all the militarization of the police force in the United States and all the goverment spying programs. They disgust me.
I'm German and have bad expectations about our future. It seems that not only the stupid Germans, but also many people in southern Europe believe that Merkel is right with her austerity politics. This is the modern form of colonization.
Our german super rich export industry and bangster system needs the south Europeans to stay in the EU, because we need to have a low Euro to keep our exports high.
You will never have any chance against Germany, because the stupid people here are working for less and even less money. And if the German workers do not want to work for small money, they will be sanctioned. So in the end, if the Greeks and others try to compete, the pressure in Germany will simply be increased.
If the people understand, and they will at some time, we will get violence or civil wars, and in the case another WWIII perhaps.
The German state is as guilty as the Greeks, because the economists do not understand the simple formula ( sum of all exports + sum of all imports = 0 ). If all states on the earth are exporting, we can export to the moon. But we have to export our weapons, in a large-scale to the Greeks or to Portugal, for example.
Our German newspapers are proclaiming massive attacks against the Syrian state, although they have no proof that they did the toxic gas attack. I believe this is a campaign of the lobbyists of the arms industry.