This is odd, i sent a transaction some Bitcoin from BTCe to my wallet with a new address and a day later i still dont see the bitcoins in my wallet. Where are they? Have i been daft:
Went to "request" created a new address gave it a label, no Amount value set.
Copied new address, entered into BTCe transaction.
monitored Blockchain.info, shows bitcoin transfered and confirmed.
Nothing at my end changed, wallet vlaue is the same as before.
EDIT... just found the relevant Help section on the website, trying the "reset blockchain". Heart in mouth as wallet went to 0... really should inform people about that...
EDIT2... so watching the log i'm still some 40000 blocks behind. I suppose only opening wallet occasionally leads to it being out of sync, even though its not a full node.
EDIT3. We've caught up, and there it is. hopefully this will be of some use to some one - MultiBit still needs to keep upto date and doesn't sync automatically it seems.