shahzadafzal, starmyc, Xynerise
Thank you!
but I try change
to "5" in src\qt\bitcoinamountfield.cpp and
No way. The number of zeros after the comma is still 8 and not 5.
How to change it in src\qt\bitcoingui.cpp - I do not understand.
Can you tell me please?
Okay, I was wrong.
Your widget is created in
bitcoinamountfield.cpp like this:
BitcoinAmountField::BitcoinAmountField(QWidget *parent):
QWidget(parent), amount(0), currentUnit(-1)
amount = new QDoubleSpinBox(this);
// Set default based on configuration
But, the function (also a qt "slot") will also change it:
void BitcoinAmountField::unitChanged(int idx)
// Use description tooltip for current unit for the combobox
unit->setToolTip(unit->itemData(idx, Qt::ToolTipRole).toString());
// Determine new unit ID
int newUnit = unit->itemData(idx, BitcoinUnits::UnitRole).toInt();
// Parse current value and convert to new unit
bool valid = false;
qint64 currentValue = value(&valid);
currentUnit = newUnit;
// Set max length after retrieving the value, to prevent truncation
If you want to change the number of decimals to 5, you need to change it in the UI constructor and in the BitcoinUnits::decimals function as well (or put 5 instead of modifying the function - at least, it worked for me on your coin source tree)