1. Where do the topics go? after a Minute I set my eyes on it and I come back again to check for that topic I won't find it
Answer to question 1.Off-topic replies have become a big problem. From now on, I will be deleting such replies without notice, forum-wide. If your replies disappear, this is probably why.
This is not fair to the people responding to a topic, IMO. People who reply to topics should know that if they are on-topic and they follow the rules, they will not be censored. Also, it is very annoying for reply-writers when they write long, detailed responses and then the topics become off-topic and useless.
Maintaining perfect on-topicness is difficult. In the future, discussions may be made threaded instead of flat, which will basically be like having a system that automatically creates new topics when people are posting off-topic things (in many cases).
2. Who has access to locked topics in the forum apart from the creator of that topic?
Answer to question 2."Moderators" moderate specific sections. They can delete posts there, edit them, move topics, split topics, lock topics, and sticky topics. "Global moderators" are the same as moderators, but they moderate all sections. All staff can also whitelist newbies and ban newbies. Administrators can do anything.
Any user can report a post. The report is send to the admins, global moderators, and any applicable section moderators. The recipients choose to act on the report or not.