Well, they aren't storing e.g 99% of the honey in the world so... Billionaires on the other hand hoard massive amounts of wealth... That analogy doesn't fit in tbh...
They don't know that. The percent doesn't matter, the concept of greed has to do with the desire for excess.
I feel like the source of human "greed" is a natural instinct to accumulate a safety net of resources so that you can survive.
One could argue that is because of the current system we live in... So if there is a system which will ensure the "survival", you are basically saying Human greed will be eliminated.
I'm not sure about that, assuming my premise of greed being a natural instinct is at least partially correct, it takes a long time to override instincts. I don't think human greed is something that can be eliminated. What I do think can be eliminated are some of the negatives that come along with greed, such as exploitation and general dickery.
One major difference between us and lions however is the concept of history and progenital nature. Every species wants to pass on their genes and insure their children survive.
Indeed, what if there is a "system" which ensures everyone gets to pass on their "genes". Coming to Carlton Banks point of "socialism" hey at least it will ensure everyone gets to pass on their genes which according to "biology" that's the only reason we are alive. So what is stopping that from happening?
Being forced to work in a team against your will is only necessary if the team is led by dictators, and this time around is no different.
Human built "systems" aren't a sure thing. We'd need a sure thing for hundreds of thousands of years to get rid of evolutionary tendencies. Your eyes can spot an earthworm on the ground and process information regarding it multiple times faster than other things because of its similarity in shape to snakes. I'm not sure the last time when a worm made me fear for my life, but biology says I might need to some day.
I don't think we can get rid of greed. 1% of the world owning 99% of the world's wealth or whatever similar statistic it actually is, is alarming. Its easier to make money when you have money, and easier to keep money if you have money and education. I personally only see greed as a negative when you screw others over. Someone who makes a lot of money with a good idea, working hard and paying their employees a livable wage in my opinion isn't a problem. A major company that treats its employees well also isn't a problem even if they are gathering vast amounts of wealth. Its the "rich culture" which breeds negative behavior. I feel like changing that is probably the easiest way to better the world.