Well I hate to be the bad guy, but sadly if someone paid for storage on your server, they be a fool, and yes you could easily trick a newbie into letting you host a site or files for them, but that would be mean. So help the community out so later we can help you out.
What's wrong with buying an SSH account or storage on a third party server? If you don't trust the third party but want to upload sensitive data, encrypt it. I don't see much of a problem with using it as a proxy, either, as all I could really do (assuming malice) was snoop whatever they sent in cleartext, which almost never includes sensitive data. More than likely, they'd just want to be on Facebook or Twitter at work.
If I don't get any takers, I probably will run an Electrum server or something, though. Thanks for the idea.
You could just use your logs and get the password from him or sniff all incoming traffic. It takes time to earn rep, being around, helping and using the forums is how you build rep, just like a credit card, over time we will see your a good guy.
Good point, debug SSH logs might show something like that. Oh well, maybe someone can use it for a less... financial purpose.
I don't think that SSH logs record passwords, that would be a huge security issue.
I don't think so either, besides, I'd strongly encourage (if not require) public key authentication. However, it does say that SSH debugging logs invade user privacy, and it's not too much of a stretch to think that if I changed the default logging level to debug, I might get a history of what they typed AFTER they were logged in, which could possibly include wallet passwords. This, of course, assumes I'm an evil bastard, though.