So, are there no BFL products in the wild yet?
They have produced and delivered some FPGA units, people seemed quite happy with them. So yeah they have produced products.
But BFL ASICs, I dont think any in the wild.
Two problems with that thinking, though I thought along the same lines at one time. First, Thomas Van Riper also produced FPGAs and in fact is still selling them(BTCFPGA), yet he failed miserably at producing an ASIC product. Secondly and more ominously, BFL had a stash of FPGA chips that they turned into FPGA products and when those ran out they stopped selling FPGAs. While this isn't in itself an indictment, the fact that they sanded the markings off the chips and didn't seek a new supply/continue selling is disturbing. To compound concerns they trashed the FPGA market when they ran out of chips to sell by announcing an ASIC product on a timeline they couldn't hope to meet.
For those of you playing at home and who aren't familiar with CreativeX, the above quoted post is a lie. Go ahead and ask CreativeX to provide and evidence or proof for his statements. None will be forthcoming. CreativeX is a known habitual liar, proven many times over. The above post is yet another example of his inability to be truthful in his statements. When confronted with his lies, he responds with ridiculous statements like "I don't need evidence to form an opinion." (This is an actual quote by CreativeX). When backed into a corner, he will claim his lies, which is tries to pass of as facts, are just "opinions," but won't make that "fact" clear until it's pointed out, that's where the whole not needing evidence to form any sort of opinion comes from. I mean, if you can just make stuff up like he does, why would you need evidence?
JZ, really man, stop trolling and produce a product. Preferably something besides a coffee mug, a t-shirt, or a box of fans. For those following along at home, BFL said:
Honest Abe we'll really ship ASIC mining gear in October 2012, but here it is March of 2013 and where are the products people paid for up to eight months ago? They also said they'd "scheduled shipments" in November, December, January, and February, yet no one has received what they've paid for, including those that paid eight months ago.
This chart sums up the problem with BFL perfectly:
This from BFL CS, but the unlabeled COO of BFL who masquerades here as an unaffiliated bystander said this on 2/19/13:
The currently estimated shipping time frame if you were to order today is the end of April or Beginning of May. This is just an estimate, and until we know how many units we can produce per day and specifically when the bulk of our chips will be ready, we can't give a more accurate estimate. the discrepancy with such a tiny company? Why can't they all spit out the same estimates? Why are they endlessly wrong about shipping dates and why are there never any positive surprises? Is it even reasonable to expect honesty from a company founded by a convicted thief? Do yourself a favor and do not send them a penny or a satoshi until they prove they can deliver ASIC mining hardware. Their competition has delivered products already and they began work on their product months after BFL did.