That's an incredible $200 per day for $25,000 invested, 365x 3 = $1095
200 x 1095 = 219000$, so if the etherum stays stable enough the ASIC can really make money.
You don't know its lifetime ? To the e3
If you are new and not a fake account you don’t understand the game.
First no on has the L7 in stock.
Second we are at a high tide point maybe not the highest tide but fairly high.
So paying 12-15k usd for a piece of gear that may take 60 days to arrive is risky.
Look for a few used L3+ you can get right now.
they are old but they are cheaper. get your feet wet a bit before you drop big money on the L7
I have 11 L3+ and I am waiting on my L7 to come around nov 30.
the 11 L3+ earn 21 usd worth of Ltc and 60 usd worth of doge a day about 80 usd a day right now.
okay but I was talking about the E9, I have enough to invest in it so I might as well take it and look at "Revenue 24h Profit 24h Top Coins Profit
Bitmain Antminer E9 2021 3.00 Gh/s 2600W Ethash $226.58 $220.34"
the profit is just huge so my calculation above is right I guess?